Re: Read only if you have time for God
This is !NOT SPAM!
I Received this from my sister and have to agree full hardily! Please feel free to "copy and past" sent to whom ever you like or just bookmark this page!
"Read only if you have time for God"
Let me tell you, make sure you read all the way to the bottom. I almost deleted this email but I was blessed when I got to the end.
God, when I received this e-mail, I thought...
I don't have time for this... And, this is really inappropriate during work.
Then, I realized that this kind of thinking is... Exactly, what has caused lot of the problems in our world today.
We try to keep God in church on Sunday morning...
Maybe, Sunday night...
And, the unlikely event of a midweek service.
We do like to have Him around during sickness...
And, of course, at funerals.
However, we don't have time, or room, for Him during work or play...
Because.. That's the part of our lives we think... We can, and should, handle on our own.
May God forgive me for ever thinking...
That... there is a time or place where..
HE is not to be FIRST in my life.
We should always have time to remember all HE has done for us.
If, You aren't ashamed to do this...
Please follow the directions.
Jesus said, "If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before my Father."
Not ashamed?
Pass this on ONLY IF YOU MEAN IT!!
Yes, I do Love God.
HE is my source of existence and Savior.
He keeps me functioning each and every day. Without Him, I will be nothing. But, with Christ, HE strengthens me. (Phil 4:13)
This is the simplest test.
If You Love God... And, are not ashamed of all the marvelous things HE has done for you...
Send this to ten people and the person who sent it to you!
I don't think I know 10 people who would admit they love Jesus. Do You love Him?
I knelt to pray but not for long, I had too much to do. I had to hurry and get to work For bills would soon be due. So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,
And jumped up off my knees.
My Christian duty was now done
My soul could rest at ease.
All day long I had no time
To spread a word of cheer. No time to speak of Christ to friends,
They'd laugh at me I'd fear.
No time, no time, too much to do,
That was my constant cry,
No time to give to souls in need
But at last the time, the time to die.
I went before the Lord, I came, I stood with downcast eyes. For in his hands God held a book; It was the book of life.
God looked into his book and said
"Your name I cannot find.
I once was going to write it down...
But never found the time"
Now do you have the time to pass it on?
Make sure that you scroll through to the end.
Easy vs. Hard
Why is it so hard to tell the truth but Yet so easy to tell a lie?
Why are we so sleepy in church but Right when the sermon is over we suddenly wake up?
Why is it so hard to talk about God but yet so easy to talk about nasty stuff?
Why is it so boring to look at a Christian magazine, but yet so easy to look at a nasty one?
Why is it so easy to delete a Godly e- ma il, but yet we forward all of the nasty ones?
Why are the churches getting smaller but yet the bars and dance clubs are getting larger?
Do you give up? Think about it . Are you going to forward this, or delete it?
Just remember-God is watching you. Prayer Wheel-Let's see the devil stop this one!
Here's what the wheel is all about. When you receive this, say a prayer for the person that sent it to you....
That's all you have to do....
There is nothing attached....
This is so powerful....
Do not stop the wheel, please....
Of all the free gifts we may receive, Prayer is the very best one....
There are no costs, but wonderful rewards... GOD BLESS!
May God keep you and bless you. If this doesn't give you chills, nothing will...this message is very true. Hope you are all as blessed as I was from this story. I wonder how many people will delete this without reading it because of the title on it?
There once was a man named George Thomas, pastor in a small New England town. One Easter Sunday morning he came to the Church carrying a rusty, bent, old bird cage, and set it by the pulpit. Eyebrows were raised and, as if in response, Pastor Thomas began to speak..."I was walking through town yesterday when I saw a young boy coming toward me swinging this bird cage. On the bottom of the cage were three little wild birds, shivering with cold and fright. I stopped the lad and asked, "What you got there, son?" "Just some old birds," came the reply.
"What are you gonna do with them?" I asked.
"Take 'em home and have fun with 'em," he answered. "I'm gonna tease 'em and pull out their feathers to make 'em fight. I'm gonna have a real good time." "But you'll get tired of those birds sooner or later. What will you do?"
"Oh, I got some cats," said the little boy. "They like birds. I'll take 'em to them."
The pastor was silent for a moment. "How much do you want for those birds, son?"
"Huh?? !!! Why, you don't want them birds, mister. They're just plain old field birds. They don't sing. They ain't even pretty!"
"How much?" the pastor asked again.
The boy sized up the pastor as if he were crazy and said, "$10?"
The pastor reached in his pocket and took out a ten dollar bill. He placed it in the boy's hand. In a flash, the boy was gone.
The pastor picked up the cage and gently carried it to the end of the alley where there was a tree and a grassy spot Setting the cage down, he opened the door, and by softly tapping the bars persuaded the birds out, setting them free.
Well, that explained the empty bird cage on the pulpit, and then the pastor began to tell this story.
One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation. Satan had just come from the Garden of Eden, and he was gloating and boasting. "Yes, sir, I just caught the world full of people down there. Set me a trap, used bait I knew they couldn't resist. Got 'em all!"
"What are you going to do with them?" Jesus asked.
Satan replied, "Oh, I'm gonna have fun! I'm gonna teach them how to marry and divorce each other, how to hate and abuse each other, how to drink and smoke and curse. I'm gonna teach them how to invent guns and bombs and kill each other. I'm really gonna have fun!"
"And what will you do when you get done with them?" Jesus asked. "Oh, I'll kill 'em," Satan glared proudly. "How much do you want for them?" Jesus asked
"Oh, you don't want those people. They ain't no good. Why, you'll take them and they'll just hate you. They'll spit on you, curse you and kill you. You don't want those people!!"
"How much?" He asked again.
Satan looked at Jesus and sneered, "All your blood, tears and your life."
Jesus said, "DONE!"
Then He paid the price.
The pastor picked up the cage he opened the door and he walked from the pulpit.
Notes: Isn't it funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
Isn't it funny how someone can say "I believe in God" but still follow Satan (who, by the way, also "believes" in God).
Isn't it funny how you can send a thousand jokes through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing?
Isn't it funny how when you go to forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it to them.
Isn't it funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me than what God thinks of me.
I pray, for everyone who sends this to their entire address book, they will be blessed by God in a way special for them.
And send it back to the person who sent it, to let them know that indeed it was sent out to many more.
Hello to everyone!!
I have some short, but very truthful stories to share with you. I hope you enjoy them. The 1st one is about a new born colt, I help to foal back in the 70’s. I was a professional horseman for about 18 years, and this is one of my favorites…
The story of a new born colt…
I was working at Rye Hill Farm, in Mt. Airy, Md., for Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan, and under the direction of another “Great Horseman”, Jack Gill, who now, has passed on. Birthing time. A real good brood mare, Smartian, was going thru extra ordinary pre-birth problems. By all rights, she should have been in labor, but was not. Jack and I always worked these times together, one relieving the other for short naps. Smartian was in her 21st day of waxing up, and her Colostrum was dripping a lot. We called in Dr. Loomis, a famous horse Vet., to take a look at her, as she were not a maiden mare, and this was way off base. He examined her, and said; she’s close, but not yet. The 22nd day, 11:30 at night, she broke her water bag, and started steaming sweat, I hollered at Jack, and he got up to help. We did’n want to push her, so we let her dance her motions, then she went down and did them rolling motions, popped back up, and went straight back down, with her behind in a corner. We got her back up, and helped position her next fall, that’s a watch out move, we did good, she went down in the middle of the stall. She looked at herself, and groaned, then began her first push, and pushed again. We seen the front legs, then the nose, the head, front shoulders, and she pushed one more time, and pop, he was out. We always maintained to keep our foals down a while, and not let’m pop up, like they want to do. Why? It was better to get up strong, not weak, and miss that first suck. All to often, a quick pop up that misses the mares bag for a little suck, meant about 2 hours of frustration, while a strong foal had more time to look and find, and most of the time, they were successful. Another reason, we like to keep’m down, was to dry them off with the broodmares straw, for scent and circulation purposes. This colt was big and strong! I weighted in the neighborhood of 350 lbs., and it was everything I could do, to hold him down. He fought and fought to get up, and finally, we let him up. When I awoke Jack, he called the owners, to tell’m, as they always liked to come and see their new pride. They got there, the colt hadn’t suck yet. A Very Dangerous Time for a newborn foal, on stand and nurse rules of stud fees, and it almost came to play with this colt that night!!
RULE: if the foal never sucked, because of death, no stud fees are due!
The rule does not specify how the death happened, just that death has occurred. These owners did not like the color of this foal, and talked of killing him, because of color and $10,000.00 stud fee. (VERY, VERY WRONG) Jack and I argued with them!! We told of his great strengths of fighting to get up, and he won!! We still argued, and he did it, he found her and sucked!! Rule was dead!! These folk’s no deserve this horse!! Here’s why.
I had so much of a hard time holding him down, I wanted him named: 4 on the floor, but that was not my choice, only their’s!! They named him: Quadratic, and Quadratic, went on in racing life, to be a great horse, and I don’t know if still, but he went on to Keenland, Ky., to stand as a Great Stud Himself..!! These people wanted to kill a Great Horse, without giving him a try at life, to prove how Great He Was!! Good thing he could’n hear’m, or understand, what they say!! Life is a great struggle in itself for anything!!
I never forgot Quadratic. I remember his great fight, his almost death, and what he did. I get close feelings to animals sometimes. I never had to many problems with them… I don’t know much about kids, but if related to, as helping a young weanling help grow up, and I know an awful lot about this field, you know what really works the best, LOVE..!!! Prove we love them, work with them, play with them, and teach them, and LOVE THEM SOME MORE..!! Give them the chance to show you, HOW GREAT THEY ARE..!!
Now for a little different kind of story, that will soon link up to Quadratic… Please read on, and you will see…
A little story for think about: I’ll call it: Milk or Cream? Let’s go out into the barn. Now, over there on the big table is a churn looking thing. Its got a good size heavy looking base, a big wide bowl on top, but at the base of the bowl, there are 2 spouts sticking out in different directions, and a small neck between the spout base and the heavy looking base. What? There’s a bell on the handle that’s connected to the heavy base also. It’s called a separator. A milk separator. It has a great purpose. It separates the milk poured into the big bowl, from cream. How can a handle with a ding ding bell, turning on the heavy base, separate Cream from Milk?? Do you know its little trick it does?? Great if you do, but in case you don’t, I’ll tell you… There’s a great many cups in the bottom of the bowl, no one can see, and they have multiple screens in them, that work different from each other, and when one turns that handle, they got to get that bell, make a perfect single ding on each revelation of that handle. Skip dings, and double dings don’t count, as it won’t work. Perfect single dings make it work in conjunction with everything else, and guess what?? Milk comes out of one spout, while the Cream comes out of the other. A whole bowl of milk at the start, is now 2 different fluids, that look the same, but are not. One is Milk, and one is Cream. Another little secret here, Milk is easy to make, and there’s lots of it, while the Cream is hard to make, and not a lot of it.
Now, in a horse world, Quadratic became the Cream of his crop, He fought to live, He struggled, He learned his school lessons, He got a positive attitude, , He Raced, He won many times, He became a proud horse, He earned his rights to stand stud… All because he worked to get thru each separate screen.
Now, your think about. Are you going to fight to live? Are you ready to struggle to succeed? Are you ready to learn your school lessons? Are you ready to employ and maintain a Positive attitude? Because you are not a racing horse, are you ready to learn a great work field? How do you feel about yourself, are you proud? Are you preparing to earn your rights, not to stand stud, but to take on a responsible standing in society? Are you now looking to be the Cream? You can be, every one can, it just takes some work, just like the milk separator separated its Cream, and Quadratic did, find the right screens to pass through and claim your Great Success!! You have a Free Will, and the great Choice, of how to use it, are you now ready to step up and be the CREAM of your crop, or do you choose to be easy milk?????
Dear Friend;
Back some time ago, believe this or not, what you are about read now, and I don’t lie; but I had a mind messenger come into my mind, and fight with me, to write a book of my true life, a book I never wanted to write, as when I was a kid in the 1960’s, I were not the very best one, and I made a lot of mistakes, and I’ve strived since then, to be the best person, I could ever be. I’ve truly crawled thru some hell, but I never gave up, and I reached a measure of success, and some big time health problems, which has tried to destroy me too!! This reading is not my book, but the last chapter of it.
Absolutely the pride of my entire life!! And not because of me, but because of all the great folk’s, you are going to meet in it, and I hope you will like them too!!
And it’s a free dedication to every young kid, hope’n they can read and understand, what I’m try’n to get across to them, as to help them to know, what you see on TV, is really not real, and surely not the fun, they think it is when they see it… I made that mistake when I was a young kid too, but I sure found out, I was very wrong!! Now, I’m going to attempt to try and give back to them, some very important lessons of real life, and like I said; I hope it help’s all of them!!
And with only a 9th grade education to prove, I’m not smart enough to write on my own, what you are about to read, but I was all alone, when I wrote it… I honestly believe GOD was sitting on my shoulders, helping me to write this!!
I’m a true southern hillbilly. I’m very rebellious to political things, such as writing proper words, so I write’m, like I say’m!! I’ve always’ said; I’m only me…
Take Responsibility for you’re actions, is what I’ve learned to do today!! And my honest think’n today? Earth is no more than “Boot-Camp” to Heaven, and if you can’t make it here, you ain’t going there!!!
The first 12 chapters of my book, were written as any other book, but this chapter, the final chapter, chapter 13, I got an idea in my mind to do sump’n else, as the book is dedicated as a learning book, directed to kids of today, who may not have their lives in the order, it needs to be in, so it teaches what is wrong, how you get trapped in so deep, you can’t get out, but I teach’m how to get out, and move their lives to the way of right!! Not only do I teach’m about what’s wrong and what’s right, but I show’m, how I wasted 3 years of my life, to get where I am today, 40 years later… A place, I could’ve easily just strolled too, had I just paid attention to my teacher’s and parent’s, who were really just try’n to help me…
The idea was to write the final chapter in a language kids understand today. So, “Angels in God’s Country” is written in windows, so maybe, they will understand a little more about how to live a good life, and not a bad one!!! And there is no derogatory contents any where in this whole document…
Somewhere in my book, I’m not sure where, I wrote; I hope this is all for “naught”, as if it was; it would surely destroy my image of today. God answered my “naught” on Thanksgiving Day of 2005, when I got a phone call from a 14 year old boy, who I knew was doing many things wrong, and he would’n listen to me, when I tried to help him. SO, I emailed my life book to him, some time that summer, and then, I said nothing to him, to see if he would read it on his own. I must have done the right thing, as this is what he said to me that day; Thank You Big John, for giving me the fixes of how to fix, all of what I’m doing wrong and I got a couple of other questions, will you help me with them too?
Because I was sit’n in my wheel chair, I did’n fall to my knees, like I would have, had I been standing, but my tears were coming out’a my eyes, and I could’n stop’m, because I help a young kid, and GOD gave me a direct answer to my question of “Naught”!!!
I’ve heard a lot of times; I tried to ask God for His help, but I never got any… I’ve had to learn to ask God until I got answered, not just a couple of times, to quit asking, and more importantly, God only answers you’re questions in Godly way’s, not manly way’s, and a lot of times, His answers will come from someone else, un-expectedly of you, as my question of “naught” did for me…
Now this thought may be running thru you’re mind. Big John; it looks like you have believed in God all you’re life, so this would be easy for you to write; and if you were right, I’d probably agree with you, but you’re not right, as I had many problems with God, and I do mean very many of them, but I’m not going to answer that right here, please read, and you will soon find out, the whole truth… about me and God.
I hope you like what you are about to read now, as no truer words have ever been written either!!
One more chapter, I saved the best for the last, and I’ll call it, what it truly is: Angels in God’s Country…
A different format; I am going to open a window, so that you may look into it, and see what other people do everyday and learn from them….
Angels in God’s Country…
Those of you, who decided to hang in here with me, and go thru one more chapter are going to be the ones, who will want to start their new life; of the placing of your foot upon a new stepping stone, that will take you out of your old world think’ns, of sort’a being milk, and advance you thru your first screen of being CREAM…
Again, Welcome to God’s Country, where you will peek in many windows of other folk’s lives, and learn your first big lesson, that God’s Angels look just like you. They do not have wings, or glowing halo’s, or even the long sheer white gowns, much like you see on TV, or in other pictures you look at. They are no more than another persons conception of how they, themselves, want to picture an angel… Real genuine Angels begin their training into that position of life, real life, just like you. They go to bed, sleep, rise, and start to begin their journey through the many screens of life, just like Gods asking you to do. The point of Gods finger does not make Angels. Is this to say; you are an angel. Nope, at least for now, not yet. God needs lots of angels, and God is very clever, so what he did; is form angel training school, and here’s how it works: People are not perfect, they will fall down and hopefully get back up again, to try again, until they reach success of the endeavor, that stumbled them. He didn’t want them all looking alike, so he changed them, some are what we call; white, black, tan, and vagrancies of those colors. He gave them different colors of hair. He had born them small, to come out of mom all right. He gave every one of them presents, when they were born. Jesus too, was given gifts, when he was born, but they were of no use to him in the form of materialist matter. He was gracious to the wise men, which came to adorn him, and being as clever as he is, he figured out, the perfect gift, and we all have them!
You’ve heard me speak of them often in this book; FREE WILL, CHOICE. Yes, it’s in those free gifts, that can make angels, ut! Oh! Not necessarily though!! Free will, with the attachment of choice to use as please, begins a new ball game in life. Remember me, way back in the beginning. I was born small, but I developed big, leaving mind behind. Then jumped up choice, and did I ever abuse it!! Same free gifts, you have today, and I still have too. I struggled, I clawed, I pawed, and I crawled, but, I Never gave up!! I Never give up today!! I may change paths, I may bend ways, I may even change think’ns, but when I take on an endeavor, to achieve, I no Never give up, till I win the Gold, and claim the prize!! A thought may come to your mind now. Big John, are you saying, you are an angel? I don’t know, would be my direct answer, but I do know, I’ve been crawling thru many, many screens to achieve Cream!! Then you may say; Big John, are you Cream? Again, my direct answer would be, I don’t know. What I will say; I keep trying to go thru screens, I have huge goals, I no give up and stop, because I no be holding the Gold, to claim my prize, as I myself deems, it to be!! I hope you can under- stand that. I use my free will and my choice to choose my Gold, and believe me, when I say; my Gold is extremely high on the ladder of my great endeavor, I need to achieve, as I myself, believe it to be!! Right above here is almost the duplica- tion of sentences, but not the words, to further break down meanings for you.
I might of gotten a little side tracked there, also, please remember, I am a hillbilly and often, hillbilly’s do side track. Hahaha!! Yes, smile, giggle, it makes the mind feel good, and when the mind feels good, so does the person. Now, back to angel train’n school. Another hint lesson, I make new word just now, see train’n, yes, it is of not of-so-called proper language, but it no hurt, when speak’n in hillbilly talk, but you no do in school, because school teaches proper usages of words, which helps you to pass thru screens in young life. As young life grows and expands its knowledge, it is then, you can apply little changes, that no hurt, or be bad. The more knowledge you can cram in head, and retain its meaning, the easier it is, to pass thru another screen. Remember, milk is easy, Cream is not!! Back to story now. God had his different colored people, with different colored hair, but something was missing, in fact, lots of things were missing, so, he added them; way hair grows, thick or thin, complexions, looks, way of talk, and all the way, to you. Now, no matter who you are, what you believe, you are a child of the Great Father, GOD… That is better than giggle, hold your head high, be proud, no matter if boy or girl, you have a Great Father, who wants to see you all, win the Gold, and claim your prizes of life, by becoming one of his precious angels, and sharing your goodwill, reaching out to help others, still in the bowl of milk, thus making your Cream, Creamier!! Now, I will open Great Windows, so that you may look in, and see, what real ANGELS are, and some things they do, to earn their standing in GOD’S COUNTRY… I hope you will enjoy, and while you are peek-a-booing at them, see if you can find one, you may want to be like one day, or even think, much like I do, and be one of difference, to start a new field, after all, if, it is good, and not bad, it is permitted. One more little hillbilly thing, you’ve seen it all the way thru my book, I often nickname people, I really like. I will give you their real names, and when, my nickname, I gave them too.
OK, lets go meet them…. BIG OH!! When you look at’m, there is no such thing here as #1, #2, and so on!! THEY ARE ALL, NUMBER ONE!!!!
Now, to meet our narrator, upps! That’s me!! Hahaha!!
Window of Blair Olsen, when I met her at Charles Cole Memorial Hospital, which I will from now on say; the hospital. Blair is a good ole southern gal, and an instant liking to me, with the way she talked, listened to my problems, smiled, and tried to help me. She could slang and I could tang good ole country talk’n, as if we were 2 of the same kind of bugs, on the same pea pod. Sounds good don’t it? You look and tell me. I was in the hospital with my first of 3 amputations. It was the day after, and this lady comes in my room, a smile’n and carry’n some thing, I never liked, a walker. And she was doing it at my worse time of day, in the morning. I am very much like a raccoon, I play all night, and sleep all day, and here she was in the am, trying to hand me a walker, with a smile on her face. I barked, and I growled bad negative words at her, and at the time, meant every one of ‘em. Her simple pleasant answer, with a still smiling face; Mr. Farr, you must not feel to good right now, please excuse me, I did’n know, and I’ll be back later this afternoon, to see if you are feeling better. And as she said, she did, and it was then, I realized what kind of jerk, I was. She made my time in a hospital, a very pleasant one, and helped me, always with a smiling face. A True Angel, that has moved on, back to West Virginia, to maybe, start another God’s Country in another location… I hope you liked and learned from her. When I think of her, and it’s often, I crack a smile every time. I gave her a letter, before she departed, and it basic-ly said; A lot of folk’s are going to miss you here, I know I will, but I also understand why your going, but always remember, you can always come back here, if you ever get the hanker’n too… Truly, one of God’s Angels….
OH YES!! This is God’s Country, in Potter County, Pa. When my bugging mind messenger dropped a note the other day, it said; tell everyone, that I would like to see more of God’s Country locations, in a lot of other places, all over the world!! So now, all you Cream seekers, you now have an opportunity, or as I say; a goal!! More good reasons to pass thru them screens of milk, to become Cream… Think!
Window of Amy Zakel, or as I say; CP for cabbage patch. CP is a very young Out Patient Therapist. She is stern, but bendable. She always smiles too. She is serious about her work, and has many family plans in mind, that’s how she earned my nickname, hahaha!! I had my left hand go completely numb without the use of any mussel tone, what-so-ever. My one Dr. said; I may lose full control of any use in it, and at least a partial loss, because of my age, and other problems. CP went to work on my limp hand. There was a machine, somewhat like an enclosed sand blaster, that warmed up. She would smile, and say; big john, stick your hand and arm in here, and let this machine help you. She always offered something to read, or explanation of what was happening and why she did this. Sometimes, folk’s who do not know about something, still will not ask. I am not that person, but some are. It is good that a person explains procedures to one’s body, as to calm mind, give peace of mind in positive kind way, and always with a smile. Angels always make people feel good about their selves. Because I am a whole lot different from others, I tend to play, when I should’n. I went to her new test of hand, by moving plastic propellers on a bar in a loop, suppose-of-ly one at a time, but I no like game, and do like I want to do. In a very nice way, with a smile, she say; are you here to fix hand, or play? I can help either way, your choice, one may fix hand, and I don’t think the other way will, and she grinned. I went to her test, and her game rules. Today, my hand has fully recovered 100%, she is Truly an Angel…
Window of Shirley Frederick. Shirley is an older lady, more in my age group. Her job is important to, as I like to think sometimes call’n her; round ‘em up Shirley, because that’s what she often does, and always with a smile. I put her to the test many times, when she come look’n for me, and I not be, where I was suppose to be. She’d be in my room, I’d be outside. She would look outside, I’d be on my way else where. She started gett’n smart, she’d look out my window, see me, knock on my window, to get my attention, and point her finger for me to either stay there, or come in to her, and I always did as she beaconed me to do. And yes, this was at the hospital too… Be real easy for a person with her job to become negative, not smile, scold, and what ever, with someone like me, but not Shirley, she’s Truly an Angel too…
Slow down here and approach this window with great amazement of what people are able to handle of serious handicap health complexities and still become an angel. Before I open her window, let me tell a little story, that happened to me the day I met this beautiful angel. I’m going to call this story: Cake & icing….
I know most folk’s like me have gone to parties, or big dinners, or seen bake things, like pies and cakes. Lets picture 2 cakes. 1 has beautiful icing and fancies all over it, and the other cake has good icing, but not all the fancies on it. People are approaching to get their choice of cakes. One cake is gett’n smaller, while the other one isn’t. Do fancies make that much difference, to leave a great cake sit there, only because it has no glimmer of fancies?? All to often, unfortunately, it does, and I made that same mistake too. What took place: my big battle to win the Gold, is to form and start Potter County’s First Wheel-Chair Support Group, not just to create it, but find the causes of pain, that wheel chair people suffer with, and go to battle to change some much needed laws, to help protect those, who can not help their-selves, so that they can enjoy freedoms too, like regular people can. I was having the very first meeting. I arranged radio and newspaper advertisements. I made colorful flyers, and hung them up every where well in advance of this meeting. I was just leaving physical therapy to go down to the hospitals wellness center, where I booked some time in one of their rooms. I had another group of angels send me 37 lbs. Of all kinds of handicap flyers, videos, books, and much more, to give out for free. I wheeled my wheel chair right past this angel, because I could’n see where she could be a participant, because of the condition she was in. I forgot what my endeavor was really for!! I’LL NEVER FORGET AGAIN..!! I went down to get ready. Another angel, Quiet Fire, gave this angel my flyer, and she was the only one, who was there..!! Please, in your precious lives, don’t make this kind of bad mistake, or as it is sometimes said; don’t judge the contents of the book, by its cover..!! Now, lets look into the
Window of Marilyn Dibble: As I said, she was the only one there. She is 41 years young. She has a job as a counselor, to help others in raising up their spirits, as they themselves, are badly handicapped. Marilyn has M.D., in very progressed stages. Her mind is as bright as mine, we trade e-mails about once a week. She said she was very proud to be the first person, to be at the very first wheel chair support group meeting. She wasn’t sure how she could help, but I could go with her to meet some of her clients, to see if they were interested in it. Because of her disabling complexities, she needs the assistance of a specially trained dog, and his name is Blake, and she loves him very much. She also is fighting a battle of her own, if anyone could ever give a little to someone, it sure would be welcomed here! Blake’s training fee’s are $5500.00, and she needs a new power wheel chair as Medicare will not get her one yet, they bought her a manual chair 3 years ago, and they say it will have to be another 2 years, before she can even qualify for a power chair!! Marilyn is strong in her precious mind, but very weak in her body, it’s even hard for her to use a makeshift control from a makeshift motor mounted on her manual chair!! I’ll see if there is an address to a trust fund for her, and if so, I’ll put it in the end of the book. She has a valid concern, that I very much agree with. I’m going to try to get it made into a law for her, and others like her, not like me, but her, and others like her. She has a driver to drive a van with an electric chair lift on it, and the van can only un-load and pick-up at a van accessible wheel chair parking spot, no others!! Do you know how many people, who have handicap passes, pull up and park, to only get out and walk where they are going??? Watch some sometime!! Yes, even I was guilty of it, when my legs hurt real bad, but I was very un-aware of what van accessible meant, and maybe these other handicapped people are too. Its time to make them aware of it..!!
Marilyn Dibble, you are surely one of God’s most precious Angels….
Hey, you young men, are you seeing any room for you?? Lot of girl angels ain’t it?? Guess what?? There are men angels to, so lets go visit one…
Window of Ben Russell. If I ever had a nickname for Ben, it would be BBB, and stand for: busy bee Ben, because that’s what he is. I’ve been going off and on to this physical therapy dept., since year 2000, when I met another angel, LS, and we’ll look in her window later. Now, were looking at BBB. BBB is all over the place, bezz here, pick up a towel, to bezz to the hamper to deposit it. Bezz to help another angel with their patient, then bezz to clean the little room, then bezz to pick up some weight belts, then bezz to change the pillows. Always with a smile, then bezz by my right to some where’s else, lookout he just bezz’d by us!! No boss has to chase him down and tell’m what to do, he just does it on a positive instinct, and I don’t ever think I’ve seen him sit down any where. He’s real young, around 30, but he can bezz by so fast, one might think he’s 20. He’s bezz’n into a great career, where his bezz’n is really going to pay off one day. For his positive smile’n help’n bezz’n, he’s Truly an Angel….
I hope your picking up some Valuable lessons on a positive peek-a-boo, into many different windows. Oh! There goes another angel, lets go over to her’s.
Window of Valerie Proctor, she’s a pirty angel, but to bad, she’s been caught by another already, and in fact, raising a pirty little angel herself, not much younger than you. Valerie sits at the front desk, takes the calls, registers everyone, explains the if’s and and’s to new patients, makes appointments for everybody, copies things, and so much more. Sometimes, when I come in, the sparkle in her eyes is start’n to fade, so I say something to her, and her busy head pops up with a great big smile, and her eyes are gleaming now, as in, I got my 2nd wind now. She’s a real hard work’n angel in what could be a negative area, but not with her at that helm, and for that, she is Truly an Angel….
Lots more seeing to do, Now, I’ll show you a tough angel, lets go look in to the…
Window of Kim Ferry, or LS, which stands for Little Sister, yes, I call her my little sister for good reasons. She’s almost as tough as I am, but she’s got other great quality’s too. She’s gentle to the ones who need that gentle touch, to get over some rough times. LS has something else, that sets her apart from most of the others, she’s got the cutest little chuckle, always with a great big smile, until I show up, then that smile sometimes shows, she’s gett’n ready set for me, I can always tell, but that’s good to, because then I know, she’s up to me today. I make no bones about it, I try people, I can find out if they got heart or not, and believe me, when I say, LS has heart and smiles too. LS is 10 years younger than me, but her knowledge about my problems is un-believable. I listen to her now, and just not play. I got a huge goal for an old man, and it’s hers and couple of others tough- ness, that’s going to give me the right stuff for me to win this Gold, and claim the prize of walk’n hands free! I have to have tough angels to work with me, I’m different from all the others, but you know that, you read my book. These great angels haven’t seen my book yet, I don’t talk the talk, so they don’t know, how tough I can be, yet, LS stepped up to the plate with me, and took me on, to help me over some very rough times, weakened times, dead mind times, no listen times, and she never gave up on me, LS kept push’n, say’n, help’n, teach’n, and then tell’n me, you got it, that’s great, super, come on I know you can do it, keep try’n, all the things a real great little sister would do, for a bigger brother, and all without know’n who I really was, and how bad, I used to be… My mind was on the floor, under the bed, and if that ain’t low, I don’t know what is, and its her, my little sister, who gave me back my mind!! Some day, she may read my book, and when she does, then she will understand when I say; she’s earned her good peoples badge to, today!! A True Friend, is who I am, to her, without her being for me. Yes, Truly one of God’s True Angels….
Now, lets go peek in another window, different from all the rest, but then, there all different, yes, that’s exactly the point, I’m trying to get across to you. It is good you are different, because now you know it doesn’t take a special little button to succeed in life. Lets go peek in on him, he’s got something special in his mind.
Window of Robert Yeremsky, whom everybody calls, Rob, and is he ever big and strong, and under 30 too. I haven’t worked many times with Rob, but one day, he asked me, how I felt, which led me to say to him; I feel like Gumpy. Yes, I felt Gumpy. I couldn’t figure out why I was feeling like that, and when I say, Gumpy, I knew exactly what was wrong with me. I’ve had increased leg pain, and still some phantom pain, and my medicine costs were getting greater and greater, so I asked: Dr. Floyd, my pain therapist, for something else, that did’n cost as much. She came up with Methadone, which was cheap, but real good. I was at 40 mg. Per 24 hour day. I figured out, I was taking to much, so I dropped back to half of that dosage, and Gumpy feel’n went away. I’ve even dropped back to 15 mg. Per 24 hour day, and it works. So, Rob did me big favors, when he notice, I wasn’t me. He tells me, he wants to specialize into a field, not many stand in, because of its hardships to others. Skin Therapy, to help fix wide open sores, much like my big ulcer was on my ankle. My hats tipped off to him, on stepping up to a big goal to go for the Gold, and claim it’s prize!! And this Truly makes him an Angel….
Look here, another different kind of angel, let’s approach her window slow, as I know its got’a be there, I’ve just never seen it yet, and I gave her a nickname to reflect my many thoughts about it, so lets go quietly to see her….
Window of Amy Greiner, or as I have now nicknamed her, QF, for Quiet Fire…
She is quiet, she has red hair for fire. One day, out of my appreciation, I gave her a piece of red luster glass, and tell her, never forget you have red hair, like me, a sure sign of fire. QF works hard, and always with a smile, and as nice as she is, she can also be a pleasant bendable stern, for which, as I say before, is very good, when help’n a patient with a hard head like me, needs to learn. QF has never really worked to much with me, sometimes I wonder, how our 2 fires would work in my battle of reaching my Gold, and just maybe, one day she will help me grasp my great big Goal, and with great positive heat like this, working together as team one, the claim of the prize, of walk’n hands free, could maybe, be, one of ease!! And because of her great positive help’n ways, Quiet Fire is Truly an Angel….
Did you see that one about fire? Yes, if you have fire, learn how to direct it in good positive ways to achieve, and not in negative ways of explosion, to destroy. Fire attitude is good, when other calm positive attitudes tend to tire, you can always reach down deep, feel around, grasp a hold of it, then bring it up, and start to put it to work, because its positive-ly fire….
Looky here! One window for two, and your going to love these 2, watch what one does for the other, and the reason, I got nicknames for them both….
Windows of Lisa Werner, or TS for Tom Sawyer, and Chrissy Pongonis, or HBF for Huckle Berry Finn. TS is real sly, and HBF is sort’a fresh out’a school, and learn’n a lot from TS. Sometimes, when I am sit’n back rest’n, I watch ole TS in her beautiful foxy ways teach HBF new lessons of Angel-hood. They are the perfect explanation of Team One, as they work together, as a great positive pair! Remember back, when I told of Smartian’s birth’n of Quadratic, how Jack and I worked together, in make’n sure Smartian laid down to give birth in the middle of her stall? Well, TS and HBF, double team a very weakened patient, as one on each side, to grant piece of mind to a timid weak patient, and at the same time, enforcing the great positive confidence of, come on – you can do it, or with BIG smiles, it’n it great what ya did, or I told ya so, I told ya could do it!! Now, that’s a great team picture, now I’ll open a smaller window on each, as a single with me involved. I tell TS, I got a plan how to walk, TS displayed a crafty smile as she knew, I was get’n ready to mess up, but she did’n want to start ole hard head me in a confrontation of a mind war, and protected my bad moves. I told you, I’m different, and they know it, so what happened is, I made 3 almost down and out moves, she protected them all, after the 3rd time, with a big smile, she say; do you want to continue to almost fall, or would you like to listen to me, and let me show you what success is?? I changed ole dumb think’n, and said; show me. Like all the others, she is crafty, positive, smiling, very knowledgeable, and a multi- facet gem!! Now, for HBF. She was still in school and at the hospital for credit train’n.
I had a very bad sore in my tail bone, and LS was her teacher, at this time. I have always voiced about hospital gowns not fitting around a big person, always big behind in wild blue yonder of strange wind currents, and I always threatened, I was going to have a smile-ly face tattoo’d on my behind with a natural smile to either side, I lay on. My treatment was a heat producing heat wand, called an ultra sound. My sore was real and painful, but I no like bare’n behind for young ladies, so one night, I thought I would give them a smile on the behind, to make’m laugh. I took a pair of my under-ware, and drew 2 funny faces on it in colored sparkle glue. When I laid down for my treatments, I was always alone, to undress, and cover with a sheet. Fun is always better when many, not just one, so I tell HBF to get LS too, as I was going to show her, my many times threaten, and when they lift the sheet to give me a treatment, I returned the favor with my treatment too, and they laughed real good!! HBF is very young, she’s wise as she listens to others of more business craft. She is a enforce of positive smiles. She’s got a very long bright future, and openly willing to accept a new idea to obtain success. One day, in near future, she will be able to stand next to TS, LS, and QF, so she, herself can grasp the Gold, and claim the prize of her profession, thru hard work, portraying her beautiful young smile, and reaching out to only say; how can I help you overcome your great problems, and help soothe your pains, and for all their great positive endurances of true help to another, they are both, Truly Angels of God’s Country….
These windows are beautiful, aren’t they?? Did you find any one you like yet??
It’s hard to talk of Cream, much easier to show how it works, thru the eyes of another person, just like you!! You can do this too!! Set goal, and go for it, much like HBF did. Positive ways will take you a long, long way, and guess what?? It’s enjoyable to travel in these great path’s, with great company, and not alone, to show fear of being swallowed up, in very bad negative ways…
OH!! Have you noticed yet, how many different kinds Angels are gathered up in one place?? God is proud of his many angels all over, and he wants to share pride with you too!! It’s simple to do, go to school and learn, set mind on what you want to achieve, determine your going to reach it, stumble, then get back up and go again, stumble again, then get back up and go again, and you will make it, as long as you never quit….
Now for a totally different kind of window, but we can’t look into this one, no we carry this one, and we carry it all our lives. I see the look on your face, the look of puzzlement, so, I’ll tell you of it again. Yes, I’ve already told you of this window in description only, not its real name, for sometimes it is not so recognizable, until you apply its action, like I did, when I took the blending of different thoughts, to make one solution of success, thru the blending of them circle things, me girl thing didn’t like, the commission thing I liked, but didn’t want the risk attached, and accepting the great challenge of not really knowing, but had a real good hank’ern it would work, then reaching down inside my guts, to pull up its fire strength, to step up to the plate of blind-ness, but with great faith of believing in myself, and turning all, to my Great Sales Success, thru this window, this Great Window of, “Blending Techniques”!!
Most of the angels I’ve shown you thus far are in medical field. Now, this question may be in the back of your mind; do I have to be in the medical arts field to become an angel?? The answer to that question is point blank, No. Angels are everywhere!! They’re in all kinds of trades. One might drive a taxi, be a butcher, a gas station attendant, in the army, fly a plane, pick up the trash, be a waiter, work in a store, stand in line at the movies, ect., ect., and ect. As long as, your desire to be, is not bad or wrong, you can become an angel, in anything you use your, God’s given, great presents of; “Free Will” and “Choice”, to do, or be.
Walk over here with me, and look at that window over there. What do you mean, you don’t see anything?? Its right there! You still don’t see it, do you?? That’s the big problem, most never see that Great Big Window, and yet, its one of the most Valuable windows, you need to see into!! Here, let me help you find it; ah, yeah, I got it, now ya see it, it’s called: the window of “Aware-ness”… It’s a very powerful power window, no, not electric. The power of this great window, comes from God too!! It was inserted into your bodies life support system, when you were born. Why are you looking so puzzled?? Ok, I’ll explain, and then you will see and understand my statement. The power of hear. The power of touch. The power of taste. The power of smell. And the greatest power of ‘em all, the power of seeing, thru one of the greatest instruments in your body, your eyes!! And yet, just now, your eyes failed you, to see it!! Why was that?? That’s a big time think about, ain’t it?? Not to pick, or show blame on anyone, it’s the miss-conception of how we’re taught, when we’re little, growing up. Yes, they teach of the 5 senses, and what they do, but most fail to stress the word attachment of “Awareness” to them, therefore, causing you of “UN-AWARENESS” in life… Now, you are aware of it, availing you to see the into “The Window of Awareness” for the rest of your precious life!! God wants you to now teach your young’ns, this Valuable lesson, you, yourself just learned, so they, themselves will be able to see into this great window also, and just keep passing it down…
Window of Awareness, now look into it. It opens many, many more windows for you, tons of ‘em!! Each window within the window of awareness, is another screen of separating the Cream from milk, and now, you are very aware of them!! Open and Treat There Contents, using your Tools of Greatness; Smiles, Concern, Helping, Providing, Loving, Teaching, Giving, Understanding, Sharing, Laughter, Joy, Compassion, forgiveness, praying, and many more, making your Cream, just that much more CREAMIER, leading you into God’s Great Kingdom of Angels….
Another different kind of window all together different from anything else yet…
Window of Brenda Zerves. I met Brenda in 1983. She was a customer greeter for Smith Motor Co., a Dodge dealer in White Marsh, Md. She always have big smile, pleasant greeting of making whoever feel comfortable. She worked hard, never favored any sales people, and have a great positive disposition, no matter what. She did all this 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for $5.00 an hour, and never comp- lain about anything, but with all these great complements of a person, she lacked one item. She lacked the confidence in herself, to move up the ladder of success. I tell her one day, you would make a great sales lady. She say; I could’n do that. I say; why not? She said; I don’t know how to sell, only buy, then, chuckle. Even though I knew this answer, I asked; are you married? She said; you know I am, why you ask that? I ask again; did you open a book and read somewhere, where it told you to marry Chris? She said with giggle; No, that’s silly. Then, I ask; how did you get married? She said; he asked me to. Why? I asked; did you try to avoid him, or prove yourself to him? She said; since you put it that way, I guess I tried to prove myself to him. I then said; not in the exchange of money, but side parallel word of prove, would mean sell, would’n it? She thought, and replied; yes, I guess your right. I then said; you are a salesperson, see? She did’n know what to say, and again, I said; now that you know you can sell, you should sell automobiles, as I know you can do it, and you would be very good at it!! I asked her to trust me, let me get you into a school with a good teacher, and I can help guide you some too. Reluctantly, she said, ok. Brenda Zerves, at one time of day, was the top sales lady in the Wash. DC., zone, selling Toyota’s, and she still works for Thompson’s Toyota, on Pulaski Hwy., outside the Baltimore beltway today.
I opened her window to teach you valuable lessons. When you know someone to be a good person, and they can believe in you, more than you believe in your self, take the time, not to jump, but to think out real good, how they’re trying to help you. If your not comfortable with what they say, then tell them why your not. A responsible person trying to help you will not bite your head off, but listen to your concern, and react accord ling. If, on the other hand, the other person would react in an aggressive attitude, chances are, you are right about them, and get away from them… This true window is also intended to share with you, it is good to help others along the path of success with you!! Actions like this destroy a bad attitude, called conceit. Conceit is a self centering world and a bad trap to be caught up in, as it is bound to self destruct the person, who practices it someday!!
This being said about conceit and its self destruction, then I will add 2 more negatives, that are also parallel words of it; Brag, and talk the talk, of only you, in your self centering projection of yourself…. It is much better to lay your eyes and speech upon another, projecting their positive images, and not yours….
I use to teach brand new sales people an old time philosophy of “walk in baby steps” till you learn. Baby steps will usually prevent large scale mistakes in any endeavor, you take on in life. When think’n about sump’n new to do, think in the world of baby steps too….
Window of Doctor Michael Callahan, D.O., in Galeton, Pa. Dr. Denehey left town to go for new Gold; I then found Dr. Callahan. He was different, but that is good, it shows of individual independence, much like me. The night, 5/19/03, of the incident, I had my right leg amputated above the knee, leaving me only about 9” of right side leg, and I stood six foot two. I was always told to tell, by another hospital doctor, not here, but in Keyser, WV., that I was allergic to MSO4, which is the chemical name for morphine, and as I was instructed to do, I always did… After the operation, and the wear off of the Anesthesia, I was in some serious pain, more than ever before!! I cried, I screamed, I cried more, I wanted to just end it all, and die!! The nurses did their best with what they had doctors orders for, but because of my high tolerances, and resistances, nothing worked!! All the night, I cried and screamed!! Dr. Callahan came in early, seen the alarm; and I thanked God; for providing me with a doctor, who out stepped the boundaries of another, and said; give that man morphine, with pain like that, it will never hurt!! And for Dr. Callahan’s bravery of taking charge, he’s Truly one of God’s Angels….
Window of pain. Pain is truly Real, to the eyes of the beholder of it. I never understood before, what I do today, of pain and how much one can take of it. After the incident of that night, I realized for the first time, something that I was always told, but because I never experienced its actual inflictions of how Great, Great Pain can be, I never really paid much attention to it, and just maybe, this may apply to you too. Not only just the pain, but the Greatest Sincere Statement, any human being on Earth can do. In the old days of Rome and Roman Soldiers, they often crucified thousands of people, to be tied by rope to a wooden plank nailed to a post, then setting it in the ground, calling it a cross. To better inflict a greater pain to that beholder, they hung them upside down, and lined all the path ways leading to Rome with them. The sun was hot, they were not allowed to have any water, food, or comfort, and they had to remain like that to death, and even after-wards. Pain, what do we really know of pain? Then, the Greatest Pain of all came along. A man, named Jesus Christ, had to carry his cross in a hot sun, after being beaten by many strips of a leather strap, was not allowed to rest, was not to be allowed any water, and to better inflict his pain, they gave him a crown of thorns to wear, and to even better that infliction of pain, they nailed him to his cross, and to better inflict that pain, they speared him in his ribs!! If you had tons of fight and desire, and were still alive after all this cruelty inflicted on your body, not to say, but think about; what would you say to them?? Jesus Christ, he didn’t say what your thinking; no, He looked into the Heavens of God, and said; forgive them Father, for they not know, what they do!! Now, your Big time think about… Has anyone ever inflicted any more pain on you, than was done to Jesus Christ?? Not to say; but to do, to become a Big Angel, forgive those, who trespass against you on Earth, knowing that the Big Judge, is standing by his Almighty Gate, just a waiting, to have important discussions with folk’s, who may have done many very wrong’s!! Big Angels, just pass thru and enjoy God’s Beautiful Heaven…. And not just for a little while, but for all of Eternity….
Window of “Dumb Like Fox”. This is a special window, I taught myself, and like it did for me, it may help you. My father encouraged me to invent this window, when I was young. He always said; children are to be seen, not heard, which is a negative action statement. I took his negative, and turned it to a great lesson of learning positive, by not talking, but listening to everyone. I didn’t have much schooling, because I always wanted to play, and get into trouble. With only 8th and 9th grade education to prove, I was destined to fail at everything I did or tried. I found it to be great big medicine, to listen to everybody, no matter, what they say. Never interrupt, even if I knew they were wrong. I never tried to prove anyone wrong, let ‘em go, I say, as one day, they will find out some where’s along the way. Incorporate this into your schooling and learning, and I bet’cha your school grades will supercede, to take you to heights of the Gold, I’ve never known!
Window of Judy Laufer, my real little sister, who like me, has much fire. I tell her, I got a mind messenger trying to do battle with me, and I don’t understand it at all. She questioned, what the mind messenger was saying, and I told her; its been fighting in my mind 3 or 4 months, and I can’t shake it off. Then I tell her of this one; it keeps tell’n me, Noah was very much troubled with building a ship, called an ark, in the middle of a sand dessert, but he built it. Then the mind mes- senger asked; because you say you believe in God, where would people be today, had Noah, not done, what he was asked to do, and then, it would go on to say to me; you had a very hard life, did many things wrong, surely are not perfect, have suffered much pain, and with all this wrong, you turned it, to a good way; write your life book, direct it to kids, speak your language and they will understand it, Do Not Charge one cent for it, so it can be read by all, do not exaggerate it, tell all the truth only, you can ask for denotations to cover its cost, and get it into the hands of all the kids, around the world…. Because of her installing great belief in me, to do as the mind messenger asks, she’s got to be one of God’s True Angels….
Window of Gram and Pappy, who made sure I had hot food every day to eat, after many operations, when I let my ole hillbilly think’n rule to come home, and not stay’n in the hospital, maybe, like I should’a. I could’n hardly get out’a bed to do you know what, and you brought me diabetic snacks too. I stayed in my house all alone, but not really, as you made sure you called me everyday too. And its for these genuine, caring for me actions, that earns you God’s badges, of Angels too…
Have you figured out the qualifications of being an Angel yet? Look real hard, as its real simple to become an Angel, and all to often, simple is not seen. Look one more time again, because its right there, in plain sight for everyone to see!! I got faith in you, I know you can see it, look real hard, but just in case, let me try again
Window of Rick Jones, here in Galeton, Pa. My neighbor, who checked in on me, to make sure I could get up, and were not on the floor, and stranded. Who picked up my mail everyday, who made sure my lawn was mowed, and my sidewalk was plowed, and just popped over to say hi. Because he was real concerned about all my bouts with health problems, he’s truly one of God’s Angels….
Window of Sharon A. Harmon, who on January 29, 1971, married me, to become Mrs. John A. Farr, and found out real early in her young life, I was a young tough ole hard headed hillbilly, but she stood in there, real tough herself. As her moods changed, so did my nicknames for her; when loving, me angel thing; when nice, it became me girl thing; and when squabbling, me woman thing; and if she don’t stop her bucking me, it will surely become, me mule thing!! All in all, around and around, I could’v never done any better, for she’s Truly one of God’s Best Angels!!
Window of Dr. Lawrence Wei, M.D., F.A.C.S. I went blind in both of my eye’s in 2002, about 75% blind. I had to stay home, or someone else to drive me, because I could’n read 5” letters, 2 foot away. I was afraid to go to him, because another doctor kept shoving a blue light thing into my eye’s, and made them hurt, but not Dr. Wei!! He approached me before the operation, and asked, if I wanted to see near, or far, or even, 1 for far, and 1 for close. I just said; seeing again is going to be a blessing, and now you offer me choices. I said one of each will make me very confused, and I can use glasses for near, so doc, let’s go for far, and he did that. I can see better today, than I ever could before!! Thanks Doc!! You are an Angel…
Window of Dr. Julie Floyd, M.D., my pain therapist. Our first meeting wasn’t the very best. I barked at her, as I didn’t think she were any good, and I did it again!!
My famous way of being wrong, and she be real good, better than most in her field. I public-ly apologized to her, and asked for her forgiveness, and being the good ole Texas red head she is; she just said; aw! That weren’t nothing, don’t worry about it, and come on back, I like hillbilly’s too!! She takes big concerns for my pain problems, and has helped me very much too!! She’s Truly God’s Angel…
Have you figured it out yet? I know you have, but don’t miss the big secret!! In order to have someone appoint you to be a real angel, you’ve got to become real Cream, for surely bad attitudes won’t let you make it, to the rank of God’s Angel!! It’s a special title, given to special people, for the very special ways, they step up to the plate and say; how can I help you today; let me do that for you; I’ll take care of that for you; so now you know, go for its Gold, never quit trying, always wear a great big smile, stumble down, get up and go again, stumble down again, get back up and go again, its there, right there in front of ya, now reach out real far, come on I know you can do it, reach a ity more, you’ll get it, Claim its Prize!!!
Looky over here, this lady does things, whole bunches different, for everybody…
Window of Deb Lanzillo. She holds real dance classes, from we wittle all the way to me. I don’t dance, yet any how. I tell her; if hospital teaches leg to walk, and I teach leg to run, then she can teach leg to dance. She no say nothing, just give me a funny look. She teaches a lot of nice kids and folk’s to dance, but that is not for me right now. I go once a week to her for sump’n special, yes, very special, as she teaches my mind to get over big humps, with the art of Yoga!! Poor ole’ mind was not all there, but thru her good way’s, I’ve advanced leaps and bounds, and ole’ mind is back there, once again!! For all her help’n me, she’s Truly an Angel….
UT OH, watch this guy here, I just met him not long ago, and they say he was tough, so I say; take me to him, I’ll find out how tough he is, and there he is….
Window of Brian McCuster. I got to admit, he is some what tough, tried to hurt my good leg all the time. Pull it here, push it up here, now drop it down here, now get it over here, hold it over here, put this weight on it here, hold still, I’m going to pull it back here, push it over there, hold it up, while I push here. I got him nicknamed now, he be the Man, and so, he be a little tough, but no worry, I got’m to, just ask’m one day!! For all his sincere good rough help, he’s an Angel…
When you work’n with good people, who are sincerely help’n you, like these folks here, always take time to stop and thank them, appreciate them, for who they are, and it may look a little rough for the “man”, but he knows its all in good fun, as all his push’n and pull’n, had to be done, and just when I thought it was all done, and I could rest, to go to sump’n else, and the “man” went elsewhere, look at this one..
Window of James Graziano, MS, PT, said; that looked like fun, let me get in on him too!! More push’n and pull’n, hold it there, no over here, now down there, here’s a weight, put it on here, now go over there, that’s right, hang it over here, hold still, I’m gonn’a pull it back here, and for his sincere help, he’s an Angel too..
Lot’s of men angels, so now ya see, all you young men, can be one too!!
Window of Joseph Bova. Now, ole’ Joe be a little more different. He’s some what in my speed. A little younger than me, instead of lets hurry, lets take it a little bit easy. I go to play some, he just smiles, and say, lets slow it down a little bit more, I listen to him, most of the time, he knows this stuff too, I haven’t worked much with him, but it’s a real pleasure when I do, and for his help’n to, he’s an Angel….
Window of Dr. Bryan Neff, my foot doctor, who really worked hard at keep’n ole hillbilly’s feet attached to his legs. I mess up and he’d fix. I mess up again and he’d fix up again. We went thru some bad scares a couple of times, but thru his great talents, he saved them!! Then, ole hillbilly foot went deep into a no-no area, and again, he used another talent of his, by making sure my leg and foot, would be in the hands of another great doctor, who would also care, and try hard for me.
Dr. Neff, your wife nurse, Kathy, and smile’n Linda too, are God’s Angels too….
Window of Dr. Alfredo Llinas, was the special surgeon of great care, Dr. Neff made sure I’d get to. Doc, you did a Great Job on poor ole dumb country boy’s leg, making sure everything was right, and with your consultations with me angel thing, and me too. You don’t know how well, you challenged me, but you did, and I am so glad you did it too, the way you did it, and here’s how it was: when you tell me angel thing; don’t be surprized if hillbilly is in the hospital, 1 to 3 months, and another 1 to 2 years, trying to learn how to walk, if he even tries at all!! I seen a great challenge in those words, they help’d me, and I put ole hillbilly mind back to work again; when, I was released from acute care on the 6th day, out of the hospital on the 9th day, and driving my truck on the 12th day, of your operation!! You help’d ole hillbilly’s mind tremendously, and doc, you are a True Angel too….
Dr. Denehey, the one of honest care, who started this big ball to begin roll’n, then Dr. Nedurian, and his sectary, Judy, who made sure I got new pipelines, for much needed blood, and Dr. Ryan, and Dr. Joe, include’n Kelly, Cora, and the rest of their crew at Galeton Drug Store, to make sure, I got my medicines, even help’n more, by bring’n them to me, when I could’n possibly go get them myself, and two more, Lou Lubera, and his pirty wife, Nancy, of Signs and Designs, of Galeton, making sure I was ok, taking me to and from the hospital for some real important appointments. And Jack Kirkendall of Galeton Motor Sales, offering up the right vehicle I needed, at the right price, and even let’n me have it on my hand shake, knowing you were going to have to wait for up to 10 days to get all the money in on it. And Jack Rink, even living ½ the year in Tyler, Texas, don’t think I’d ever forget your important phone calls every week, just to say, Hi, how are you doing this week. Every-one of you, are Angels of God’s Country too…
There’s so many here, and I surely don’t want to cut anybody short, I don’t know you all, except thru your ever-present smiles, so I’m gonn’a try sump’n here, and see if it works… I know a Candy, an Aaron, a Tammy, a Nicole, I think a Doris, a Mary Ann, a Judy, a Barbara, a Fran, a Georeanna Leete, a Steve, a Michelle and a Renee, a Stacey and a Gail of X-ray and I know there’s more, like at the wellness center, Tammy, Irene, Theresa, Wanda, and Clay too. And at Dr. Callahan’s office, Vicky, Diane, Sherry and Janet too, and at Cole Care, Dick, Roger, Pat, and others too, but poor ole’ mind can’t register ya all, so I’m going to try this, and see if this be ok too…
I say; if GOD, ever got hurt, and He came here for treatment, He would not select a special one, He would accept the one, who would be appointed to Him, as He knows, Their all Special Ones, Their all His True Angels, and I Know He would’n mind wait’n in line to get the one, who was appointed to Him!
I don’t think I could say it any better, like I have here, in the truthful words I’ve used, to express my True Sincere feelings, of how I Really Feel about any of You…
I Know You All To Be Real Honest Angels of God’s Country…!!!
OK, you young’ns look’n to make real creamy CREAM… I devoted a whole chapter of my real life, with the real things, that really happened with me. I did’n want to use any negatives, as to share with you, it can be done all in a positive way, and you can sincerely use fun, doing it too… You’ve a long life in front of you, with many things to come cross your path, use your eye’s wide open, to get the full picture of the cross’n of one. Don’t instantly jump in, or on it, as that is exactly how I got into so much trouble early in my life. Stop, and sincerely think about any situation, you know to be different from your everyday habit-tall actions, as some will be good, and others will not. NONE OF US, ARE PERFECT, and problems should be expected by you at all times. I was a master at get’n into trouble. Here’s a little challenge for you to do: like I did in “dumb like fox”, when you see or find yourself in a negative situation, STOP, think it out as best you can, and create real magic, by turning it around, to become your positive action, thus preventing you so much trouble in your future. Life on Earth can be a truly great one, and all you have to do, is walk in “baby steps” till you really know, exercising the window of “awareness”, using the great tools of positive ways and it’s actions, now knowing you carry a great suitcase, you can open at any time, reach in, and bring out the “blending of techniques”, to further project you into success, to now become the great person, God intended you to be, and then one day, another real contentious person will look upon you, for all your honest endeavors of trying to help them out, and will verbally appoint you to the highest height, of being truly recognized, as one of God’s Great Angels, Sharing His Great Pride Upon You, and Inviting You, into His Great Heaven, to then Live There in Eternity with God, Himself…!!!
As promised, this will be the last real chapter of my real life, but not the end of my life. I got great Gold’s to reach out for, grasp a hold of ‘em, and claim there huge prizes!! I have very much enjoyed narrating these special Angels and open ing some great windows of valuable learning lessons for you. Don’t forget, we all make mistakes, all of our lives, only God is perfect, so, when you make a boo boo, just simply ask for forgiveness, and if you are sincere, he will forgive you. At the very end of this, will be those valuable 800 #’s, and some web sites, for you too…
Remember; set your Gold, or Goal… Make it as high as you dare…
Start going for it… Reach out as far as you can… Stumble, fall down, get back up, and go again… Reach out an ity bit more… and keep on going, till you Claim your Prize!!! Never Quit, and I guarantee, you will get it!!! Then pick out another, and start all over again, and again you will Win!!! Just Never Ever Quit…!!!
The Rules of CREAM are already here, you’ve already read them!! They are in the “Window of Awareness”. Read them often, to refresh your mind!! Add the missing ones, you know, the good ones, I didn’t write, leaving you room to add your Smiling self to this great window, and it’s already existing positive tools of a positive mental attitude in each and every endeavor you accept to take on in your short life, here on Earth; because they will allow you to spend your spirit life, with God, in Eternity….
All the Good Things, that changed my life; was said; in 4 words, these 4 words: THANK GOD, IT’S OVERWITH..!! Now, not to tell, but to share, Great Happenings with you… YES, there is a GOD. He is a very good GOD. He is a very Clever GOD. He loves us all, as the good GOD, He is. I’ve previously said; I have never seen, touched, or verb-ably talked to Him, with a verb-ably out loud answer back from Him. BUT, a 6th sense, tells me, He is there, everywhere. I have hard times some- times, I fight and fume, then I ask, and every time I do, I am answered in Godly ways, which are not manly ways… I could have never written this book, without His help. I asked, and got vivid remembering sight scenes every time..!! I asked, how do I finish this book, and now, you are seeing, the answer I got back..!! If you do not know God, ask every day, that He visit you in your mind..!! If you are Sincere, and never give up, He will answer you, in His time, which is not your time, But you will know it, in your time…!!! I hear all the time, even I have said this; How could a good God allow this, that, them, ect., ect., and ect. Why has This Great God forsaken us?? He hasn’t and will not, as His question back is; Why did that person forsake me, when I wanted to offer my pure Godly Way’s of help?? In order for you to get His help, you need to ask for it..!! I do all the time now, and I’m glad I learned, to do it..!! Ask for God’s Heavenly Help every day!! He Will Answer!!!
Now, to prove to you, I believe in God, I believe in His Godly Ways, I believe in, what He says for us all to do, as my pain was very sever and very great, when my leg was Amputated off, May 19, 2003… A lot of places in my book, I said; I hated and hated my father; But my pain, was pinky pain, compared to that of Jesus Christ, in window of pain, above here… I was very wrong in many way’s, and I have already asked for forgiveness from my father, and God, for the many sins, I have committed against them…
While manly way’s are good; Godly Way’s are the absolutely Best…!!!
UPDATE!! On Nov.13, 2004… My last set appointment with “LS”, the tough Angel, Kim Ferry… I told you about… I told her, I was switching to “the man”, to learn better how to reach my Goal of “walk’n hands free”, without the risk of hurt’n her, in a possible fall down of my 250 lbs, in trying so… I further express’d my personal fears to her, and others, and I might need a tougher Angel, to help me overcome them too!! My challenge, then became her challenge too, without me realizing it!! She sat down on a roll’n stool at the side of the parallel bars, and told me, to get over there in front of the opening of’m. She said ok, now its all hands free, No hands, No look’n down. Again, I tried, but dropped 2 fingers of each hand to the bars… She said; get’m them fingers off the bars!! I sat down, and said; I need a towel to hold on too… She said; No towel, but I will give you one wash rag to use. I took holt of the wash rag with both hands, told her, I still need to look down, and began to walk “hands free”!! 6, 12, and 18 steps at a time, then a small rest, and back up, to do it again!! We worked an hour and 10 minutes of all “hands free”!! She believed in me, more than I believed in myself, and got me to do it, her way!! I reached out that ity bit more, for her, and touched my Goal, it felt good, now, I know I can claim it!! MORE PROOF, that others can believe in you, more than you can believe in yourself!! When you find that person, or persons, listen to what, their trying to tell you, and do it their way, and much like me, you will win!! I think I’ve changed her nickname now, to be LSSP, to now stand for: “Little Sister Smarty Pants”!! LSSP, Thank You, and may God Bless You Forever, for being the soft demanding Angel, You Are!!
Anyone who wants to give a little something to: Marilyn Dibble, here’s how to do it; Address to: She has a savings account set up in “Blakes” honor.
Blake, c/o Marilyn Dibble and if you include any notes, she says; she will
37 Church St., Apt #14 read them to Blake, as she says; he will under
Port Allegany, Pa., 16743 stand them, because of her Love for him…
She’s so precious, she told me, her biggest fear, is to die, without ever being known, here on earth… If even you can’t spare anything, please send her a little note, acknowledging her existence in your kind hearts, try to write sort’a large letters, she has a hard time reading small print, She’s Truly a Precious Angel….
One of my great idea’s, is to form a wheel chair parade group, to make different types of wheel chair vehicles, powered by battery’s, hand, and the use of local teenagers pushing some. Lou & Nancy Lubera, of Signs & Designs, here in Galeton, Pa., are chipping in some decals they make, as a donation item. I want to call us, “The Fire Id Wheel-Chair-Ette’s”, in honor of:
Lou & Nancy’s very successful web site. Got time, its great, look in….
Anyone interested in this, please e-mail me, we could have a lot of fun with this, plus, it would be a very positive connection, dealing with the foremost reality of being handicapped, but not lost by one self, all alone in a room of no hope, come on, lets have some fun again!!!
The Absolutely Best Physical Therapist’s I spoke about in here, all work for the Absolutely Best Hospital, I’ve ever had to stay in, located in Coudersport, Pa. The Charles Cole Memorial Hospital…, I’ve been a patient there for long periods of time, had 2 eye operations and 3 amputations there also. These folk’s know me to be who I am today. If anyone asked them about me, I don’t know what any of them would say, but I bet’cha it would be very interesting, and I’m not afraid of anything, they may say…
UPDATE!! About December 12th, 2005, I became a volunteer worker at the Rehab Dept., try’n to help out so many Angels, who have sincerely helped me!!
More Heavenly Angels @ , my new prosthetic folk’s, who treated me in Heavenly ways, I could write a whole book on them, they’re that good!! Check out their site too, it’s very educational!! They were the ones, who gave us the 37 lbs. Of much needed materials, to give out to those who really need it for free!!
HELP NEEDED… Do you know a good Web Site Address, or Toll Free Number, that would be of HELP, to any young adult, need’n help of some sorts, Abuse, Sexual Problems, Alcoholic, Drug, Health, did I miss something, then, your suggestion ??? Let’s us Help ‘em out!!
IF SO, please email it to me, for free publication on these page’s… Please, No Commercial Ads.
Here are some I found out about. was a very Best one, including all National, and every individual State too..!!
ALSO, 911 can be called from every where. Here’s another helping web site, that I find; And sump’n I used, when I traveled all over the south, in the winter time. All public library’s have free computer use; so, I found it good to have a free email address, as it can be used on any computer in the world, so, that’s a big time think about too.
And here are some separate numbers I find too;
24 hr. Pa., Statewide Child Abuse 800-932-0313
National Suicide, 800-784-2433
National Runaways, 800-231-6946
National Rape, 800-656-4673
National Domestic Violence, 800-799-7233
National Child Abuse, 800-422-4453
My True-Life book, which when it was all done, was 13 chapters, containing over 150, 8 ½ by 11 inch pages. I was 13 in 1961. I’ve often heard this expression of the 1960’s, “the terrible ‘60’s”, and in many ways, they were. I wrote about a young kid, me, who had many problems with understanding and listening to his teachers, and many others, and could not pick up a phone, to call for help in the many ways, some of us really needed back then. I told truthful things we had to do, how I had many problems with my father… I was at blame too, and that’s explained too, as in, if you do this wrong, you must be prepared to pay this big price, like I often did… And the mere mention of web sites back then meant; where’s the location of the spiders, and no-where what it means today!! So, that’s the big why, for the importance of the listed phone numbers, and web sites, and if you are a young kid reading this; use them to help you in your young life, as we didn’t have this kind of help, back when I was a young kid, and I know for cold hard facts, you would’n want to do the things, I thought I had to do back then!!
One last thing: Every one in life, has a mind messenger, but not everybody stops and listens to what it often tries to tell us to do, and it even really narrows down the gap, when someone like me, walks out on the big long limb, to talk or write of it!! Remember this; it’s one of these three things; your sub-conscience; your personal angel; or a direct message from God, Himself, and Never Fear it’s Message and what it’s trying to tell you to do; It Will Never Hurt You, but only help you, or others around you!!
So in ending this today, God Speed, and God Bless Every One of You!!
Check back from time to time to see if there are added phone numbers and more web sites to further help you. Sincerely; Big John Farr
Copywrite 2004, Big John Farr
Another update:
When I was writing my book, and just after my big amputation, my wife and I began to have many big problems with our marriage… Sometimes things happen, we can not win at, even if we give it our truly all!! What I’m going to put in this space now, may at 1st, look as a negative, but the ending will share with you, it’s not, and the reason, I’m going to add this for you to read about; is hopefully it will share with you, what truly stumble down and get back up to go again, to reach you’re goal or gold, could really mean in one’s life… No True Goal or Gold is easy, they are all struggles of life!! And when you’ve claimed one, you’ve truly Won!! Then it’s time to reach out and claim another one, and as you claim them, you will feel better and better about you’re self!! What you’re about to read now, I wrote as if a Ballard type of song, and it’s all truly true!! Now see what struggles of life, could really mean…
“Are Tough Guy’s Allowed To Cry”
I’m going to tell a little story I think applies to me now,
A story of sadness that makes me cry and cry,
The sad story of a man and his wife of 34 years married,
That very well looks just like a big maybe,
of going down the tubes,
To become destroyed in a divorce,
because of money and health issues,
Is this tough guy a big baby,
Or is he allowed to cry?
I went thru a big operation in year of 2003,
And had my leg whacked off high above my knee,
I stood six foot two,
But now I barely have 9 inches on my right side,
And now my wife chooses not to stand by my side,
Am I a big baby, or am I allowed to cry?
I do all for myself, drive, drug store, clean and cook,
Hospital, physical therapy, and live alone,
I have great big goals for an old man,
I claim I’m still going to walk again,
And like the positive story of the little train,
I know I can, I can, I can!!
Leg Pain, phantom pain, real pain, and even mind pain,
It’s all very real, and hurt, it makes me cry too,
And with the added stress of no wife at my side,
These pain’s are almost unbearable at times,
Am I a big baby, or am I allowed to cry?
Many, a man has told me, man you have some big grit!!
I know who I am, I know what I can do, and I’m 57,
I have red hair, blue eyes, and big Fire, and I’ll never give up!!
Others would cry uncle, but me, I just get ticked madder and madder,
And let my big Fire erupt!!,
And many times I raise my head to look into heaven,
And say; please God, please give me your strength today, as I need it,
To help me get over some very roughen times,
As I want to be one of your soldiers and never ever give up,
Come hell or high water, in pain or cry,
Lord, I’m going to hang in here and give you my very best try,
And show everyone, as long as you have God at your side,
That any man can handle the hurdles of life, in great stride!!
And Lord, I’ll tell you, as you already well know, I am not a baby!!
But Lord, are big tough guy’s like me, allowed to cry?
I talked to my wife on the phone tonight, and we spoke of a deal,
I didn’t want to, but because I never could give her there benefits,
I went ahead out of my love for her, and relinquished a demand,
2 years ago, that she’d come to be with me, 3 years from that date,
with only 1 more year to go, she wants to re-nig on her promise’n words,
of I changed my mind now, and I’m not so sure I like you anymore!!
I tell her when I say I will do, I do, as a person is only as good as their word,
And again she speak and say to me; so what, I’ve changed my mind!!
I then say; are you say’n your word is now no good,
and again she say; so what, I’ll do what I want to do, even without you!!
She doesn’t care and knows she’s tear’n me apart,
Lord, are full-grown tough men allowed to cry?
I guess I’m really a fool now, as I have been waiting almost 8 years for her,
Now ever last’n faithful our whole 34 year’s of time,
With nothing but love in my heart for her, no run’n around, no cheat’n,
No hit’n, no drink’n, no drunk’n, only wait’n in Godly way’s,
For the one angel, who stole my heart, many, many year’s ago!!
Lord, are full-grown tough men allowed to cry?
I tell her, I’ve cried so many tears in our house over you,
That I know for sure; no one could ever count the number of my tears!!
Then I tell her, I wish now I would have let them run into some jar’s,
As I would have cap’d them up and sent them to you,
As then, maybe you would better under stand, that all my tears,
Were sincerely true, and were sincerely for only you!!
Lord, are full-grown tough men allowed to cry?
It look’s as though my worse fear is now going to become sincerely true,
Of die’n all alone in an empty house, and the worst of it all,
To be vacant of true love, and nothing to look at, but 4 bear walls!!
As at 57 and in difficult health, I wouldn’t have the slightest idea,
of how to try and date, and find me another true loving, life mate!!
Lord, are full-grown tough men allowed to cry,
Or should we just get out of the way, throw in our towels,
And go ahead, and just die!!
Hell No Lord!! as to give up and die, would not be my best try!!
I’m a true man to my word, and I refuse to give up and die!!
You gave me big Fire, when I was born,
And it’s time again, to re-stoke it up, and pour on the coal!!
Fore, if I did’n re-stoke it again, it would be the loss,
Of one of your great powers of construct, not that of destruct,
And the worst of it all, the failure of my greatest life’s Goal…
Lord, now I know, it’s alright to cry,
As long as I never give up my Best try!!!
Written by Big John Farr, 08/09/05,
Another true story of my life…
My wife and I are now divorced and though we did have our huge arguments over many thing’s, and especially Vows, Vows to God of life, death, poorer, richer and health;
We ended our marriage in very Godly way’s, as I chose to just let go, with no more fight’n of 2 responsible people, who were Best Friends for over 30 year’s!!
We ended this marriage still as Best Friends!!
For forever, forever, and forever!!
She was one Real Gal, I’ll miss her for forever too!!
Date-timed January 28, 2006…
January 29, 2006 would’ve been our 35th anniversary…
I’ve had many, many problems and struggles, and real bad cry’n struggles of life,
But you know what, and believe me, I’ve thought about giving up,
But I didn’t, I’VE NEVER GAVE UP!!
Grit you’re teeth, try and cry, Struggle and Crawl, but Never Give Up!!
Now I’m going to end this with sump’n else I wrote not to long ago.
I want you to try and learn about someone, who plays a Great Big Part in All of Our Lives, Here on Earth, and learn what I do for Him everyday, now, that I’ve learned just who He is, and what He means to ALL OF US…
“If I could write a letter to God”,
it would sort of go like this..
Dear God, at first I paid no mind to you,
I was made to go to your school and house,
I did’n want to go, so I no liked you too.
I grew very big and fast, leaving my mind behind.
I got into a lot of trouble, I became bad and bad’er.
I got into another kind of school, I no like either,
But I learned I no wanted to go back to that,
So I pay real close attention and never did!!
I only had 8th and 9th grades to prove.
I found me a wife, went to work,
And struggle all my life to try and do things right.
And just when I thought I found my place in life,
A sore-ness came and took almost all I have away,
And God, I blamed and blamed you,
shook my fist at you every day for 3 years,
and call you words, no man wants to hear!!
The Baltimore doctors told me to get prepared,
Fore I would soon die, and I still did’n give you a try,
I still did’n like you at all, and would’n hear of it..
One day, out of a clear sky day,
2 young men came to my house, I never knew.
They hand me a book, that say “King James” on it, and asked if they could explain some things about it,
I had nothing to do, so I said yes, and let them in.
As they explained, I asked many questions,
And they answered them all, but I no believe
In their branch of You, but they still no give up,
and explained more, till one day, they did give up.
Even though I didn’t follow them, they plant a big seed in me,
To try and seek you out.
Church after church, preacher after preacher, I look and look,
And I still never found You!!
I moved to a little one horse town in Potter County, Pa.
A place I’ve never been, till the day I bought my house.
I found a doctor, who made sure I would find another
Doctor, who would have many problems operating on me,
But some how, he saved me! More life threat’n operations still came, and every time, they saved me again!!
Then one day, at Charles Cole hospital, a preacher I never knew,
Stopped and ask me, if I knew God.
I told him, I’ve been look’n for him for a couple of years,
But could’n find his right house, nor ever felt You.
He invited me to another church in my home town,
And I went and went, but still never felt you.
I liked him very, very much, and just when I thought
I just might find you thru him, he moved away!!
Again, big hopes of find’n you were gone!!
But thru him, I started believing you were real, and could’n shake it off, so I studied your beautiful world of nature,
And found very many things, only a great God could do!!
At the hospital one day, I asked a therapist about finding you,
And she said; John, God is everywhere, just ask for him.
I thought to myself, I knew that, but the operations
I have, stole so much, I forgot, and thanked her.
So many body parts were now missing from me,
2 toes and one whole leg, and I knew, I needed to find you.
I needed to ask for you’re forgiveness of so many bad
Things I said to and about you, that I now believed in You!!
But I still did’n know, where you really hung out at,
And I needed to find that too!!
My sister way down in Florida, told me to get out of the fields,
And find me a full gospel church to go too, and I would find You,
I asked another therapist one day not to long ago,
“Quiet Fire”, where can I find a full gospel church?
And she said she belong to one, and I was welcomed to come.
I took her at her word, and went to see for myself.
I must say; it was very, very different from anything,
I ever seen!! All kinds of music was played, people sung
And sung, and then, they look like they danced for You,
Sump’n, I did’n understand or ever seen either!!
I watch and watch, and these people were very, very happy!!
I kept going back to see more, and even my one foot
Began to tap for you too!!
I’m tone dead and can’t sing a lick, but I sung too!!
I even started clap’n my hands for you too,
And think to myself, if I could dance,
I just might dance for you too!!
By golly, I believe my sister was right,
I think I’ve finally found you’re hang out!!
Ever since I started going here,
New changes in my life are happening too!!
I took a bad fall, but I think you helped me get up,
When, for a first time in my life, I wanted to stay down!!
I got me a new free volunteer job at the hospital,
A goal, I claimed 6 months after losing my leg,
And was even turned down once before,
About a year ago…
The fall’n hurt’n almost matched the pain,
When it was cut off in May of ’03,
And yet, 3 day’s later, still in much pain,
I was game enough, to try work again!!
Today, only about 2 weeks later,
My pain is all gone, and I’m put’n my leg
Back on, to train to walk again!!
You never gave up on me, when I gave up on You,
I cuss you out, shake my fist in anger at You,
But You never gave up on me,
I promised the hospital 15 hours a week, and now,
I’m giving them 4 to 6 hours a day,
5 days a week in ease, when I haven’t worked
a job in over 13 years, You got sump’n to do with this too,
Money don’t mean to much to me anymore,
When it use too. People never meant to much to me,
When today, I want to do all I can for anyone,
I have many, many problems with my marriage,
And today, I grieve her loss no more.
YOU were the one who fought me in my mind,
To write a book, I never wanted to write,
Without my first doubt, YOU are the one, who inspired me
To write that final chapter in my book,
“Angels in God’s Country”,
because I know, I’m just not that smart!!!
Thru others, I’ve found YOU, I’m learning more about
YOU, I’ve found YOU’RE hang out, I believe more and more every day, that YOU ARE TRULY GREAT, will never do harm,
ONLY HELP, and today, I stand before YOU,
A very humble man, and a man, very worthy of,
Sincerely, John Farr,
January, 07, 2006
His hang out, I found, is the Gospel Tabernacle in Coudersport, Pa.
PLEASE, I’m no preacher, probably will never be,
Besides you’re never no give up,
You’re set’n of new goals or gold’s,
You’re struggling to reach them,
So you can claim them,
Find and ask God to help you achieve them,
Ask and Ask, and never give this up either,
And I’ll guarantee you, He’ll answer you!!
Like me, go find His hang out, where you live at,
and go every Sunday,
To visit His Holy House,
So you can learn about Him, like I did too!!
And a peace-full-ness, I can’t explain about,
Will come to you too!!
Big John Farr, January 29, 2006
My whole book is not published, because I can’t afford to do so.
My medical bills are many and to plentiful right now.
If you know some young kid, who may need some help,
Then please email me, requesting my book,
“I Crawled Thru Hell, To Find God”
And providing me, the email address to send it too.
I will verify the address, before I send it, to protect me from Spam.
My address is:
Again, there is no derogatory content in the whole book.
And I can only hope, I maybe help another kid,
And please our Great Father, God too,
As I feel I did as He asked me to do.
And you?
Remember the new born colt,
Remember what all, he did,
Find those great screens for you’re self,
To pass thru for you too.
And the Angel’s?
Learn from all of them,
And like they did, Apply you’re self too.
And me?
Learn to do all good,
Learn you will stumble down,
But get back up, to go again,
Never quit, and you will win.
Update: 02/27/06
Never Quit: I let my wife to be alone for about 3 weeks,
Went to talk to her in person, sit down and have a very good talk about,
And you can Win:
We iron out our differences in very peaceful way’s,
And you will Win!!
We are now back on track with our marriage mended,
And look’n forward to our 36th anniversary!!
And God?
Ask for his help every day,
Never quit Him either,
As He will answer you,
And learn all about Him too,
And live you’re life a very good way,
And He too, will give to you, your own one way pass,
Into His Almighty Heaven,
For all of Eternity!!
Share His word with others, like I have for you,
And you’re rewards of life,
Will be just that much Greater!!
Take care, and one day, I’ll see you high in the sky!!
Big John Farr
I just left my small but very Godly written web site, i need to also get spread around as to help many folk's, including younger ones to learn many good things about life in real times, not TV un-real times so they can learn, TV is no more than a TV show or movie, and most of these times, its not very Godly presented, as it teaches of how to steal, murder, divorce, cheat, drugs, drink, rape either sex, and every other way of doing things the
real Devil wants them to learn of!!
Help this whole world out, 1st by
reading the little site, i give for
free to read, and when you like it,
start sending it out to everyone to
also read, so we will have done our
great chore of try'n to clean up, what's been so badly dirttied up, our world, GOD gave onto us to keep
it maintained as HE intended it to
be, when HE gave it to us at the very beginning of Life itself!!!
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