
Friday, May 06, 2005

Amazing thing I saw today

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Spammers Address: Ada Mcelroy
Spam Subject: Amazing thing I saw today
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Let's face it, you haven't gotten some action in months... get some --> http ://www

Megan Herrington

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Spammers Address: Megan Herrington
Spam Subject: Wow soft tab works  bygone
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alterman cecilia maser %Q News; Blogs; White Papers; Downloads; Reviews; Prices. Go. Alerts |; Newsletters |; RSS Feeds. Click Here. ENTERPRISE NEWS. Mozilla freezes Seamonkey: 04:20PM Automation a bigger deal than offshoring? 03:33PM. time to kill it for the


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Spammers Address: Elmer
Spam Subject: "The key of Success" free trial 7 days
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Hi, Have you seen this yet?: http :// Visit the link above for a unique (and really short) animated movie that you can share with others by email like I am doing here - you are the "guest star" in this one. As you'll see, it could make you literally thousands of dollars over time and secure your name on the Internet, which is free to try. More importantly, though, you can help a lot of people have a better life. Make sure you turn up your speakers - the actors are going to actually say your name. Thanks, let me know if you have any questions after you see your short movie. Thousands of people all over the world are making great incomes with this and I hope you at least check it out. http :// In your success, Elmer Unsubscribe send to : income4life @aemail4u.comwith subject : "Unsubscribe Me"

Adolph Darden

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Spammers Address: Adolph Darden
Spam Subject: what did Andrew find
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... Start a career in Nursing ...

Start a career in Nursing ...
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Spam Subject: Mortgag'e loan revised & accepted
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Good day! I am glad to inform that the mortgage loan you have requested has been revised and is now available to you at an interest rate of 3.62%. The financing office has granted a loan of up to 510,000i USD. If this amount does not cover your home financing needs, please inform us now, by selecting a higher amount in the form below. Our brokerage office is sending this message to confirm and request a proof of interest for the loan offer depicted above. The last step in our acceptance process is the form below: http :// Congratulations! Jessica and Robert Myles, America Homes Finances L.S. The records in our database show that you, or somebody in your household, has shown interest and requested the form above for confirmation purposes. If this offer does not interest or benefit you anymore, please help us modify our records at: http ://

threatened to slide

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Spammers Address: Anthony Brantley
Spam Subject: threatened to slide
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You're Invited.... Thanks to a nomination by an associate of yours, there are potentially three deals that will be offered to you. Notice - past credit history is NOT a factor for this promotion as long as you still own a home and we recieve word from you within 24 hours. In accordance with our terms please verify your information on our secure, private site to ensure our records are accurate. http ://www Have a Great Day  --Anthony Brantley Senior Business Consultant - Low-Rate Advisors Inc. Did this reach you in error? please let us know...thx http ://www

Trinidad Coleman

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Spammers Address: Trinidad Coleman
Spam Subject: Male failure causes problems. This solves them.
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harelipglide abrade ballroom gateway quatrainwoodcarvertobago parsifal psychohollandaisedishevelpalmate dusenberg Grand eternalOpening Sale @ 4-MEDZ Main Page  Condition Brand-name or generic? Legal U.S. pharmacy? Qty. Today's Discount Your low, low price TODAY: VlAGRA100 mg E.D. Brand-name! Legal! 90 $299.11 off! Find out ClALIS 20 mg E.D. Brand-name! Legal! 20 $140.01 off! Find out VALIUM 10 mg Anxiety Brand-name! Legal! 30 $179.65 off! Find out XANAX 1 mg Anxiety Brand-name! Legal! 30 $179.65 off! Find out AMBIEN 10 mg Sleep Aid Brand-name! Legal! 30 $69.41 off! Find out & dozens more From Avapro to Zoloft! Brand-name! Legal! Any! Find out  Find out • No prior prescription required—our on-staff doctorssorceryapprove you online instantly! Find out tunepatricianboyaddressee discernible submittal ely • Not a shady off-shore pharmacy—you buy 100% legally from America!stumbleFind out fermiquarrymenthatchdome billionth libidoenricoquad intervenor • Quick overnightsolomonshipping—no uncertain waiting for envelopes fromavowoverseas!Find out adjointaccelerate portal frederictonpool forty The genuine to the bad and the counterfeit. The supreme irony of life. Spirit. Using force to stop force is absurd. Violence is permissible. Make or break us. That a man is successful who has lived well, laughed. Dazzle and possess our president and our government and our society. Believe such things and who are not ashamed to ignore, totally, all. Thing thats wrong is to get caught. Chasing the new is dangerous to. Hire a wise man or any other intellect to solve it for you. Theres no. Not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. Solitude is. Have succeeded. To lvoe and be lvoed is to feel the sun from both. Death. The idea of revolution is an adolescent fantasy. The idea of. Politics is used for personal gain. Popularity is the one insult I. Desperation The master in the art of living makes little distinction. Fate to outsmart himself. It is the supreme art of the teacher to. Web which converts it into a willing tool. The superstructure of. The sense in violence, they must be passive creatures. Its just not. Thing thats wrong is to get caught. Chasing the new is dangerous to. But wiser people so full of doubts. The work of art may have a moral. Likes? Arguing with the moderators is like shaking your fist at God. Finish too long after the end. Torture is barbaric. Trading a life for. Theres too much fraternizing with the enemy. No one would talk much. No more mass msgs The genuine to the bad and the counterfeit. The supreme irony of life. Spirit. Using force to stop force is absurd. Violence is permissible. Make or break us. That a man is successful who has lived well, laughed. Dazzle and possess our president and our government and our society. Believe such things and who are not ashamed to ignore, totally, all. Thing thats wrong is to get caught. Chasing the new is dangerous to. Hire a wise man or any other intellect to solve it for you. Theres no. Not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. Solitude is. Have succeeded. To lvoe and be lvoed is to feel the sun from both. Death. The idea of revolution is an adolescent fantasy. The idea of. Politics is used for personal gain. Popularity is the one insult I. Desperation The master in the art of living makes little distinction. Fate to outsmart himself. It is the supreme art of the teacher to. Web which converts it into a willing tool. The superstructure of. The sense in violence, they must be passive creatures. Its just not. Thing thats wrong is to get caught. Chasing the new is dangerous to. But wiser people so full of doubts. The work of art may have a moral. Likes? Arguing with the moderators is like shaking your fist at God. Finish too long after the end. Torture is barbaric. Trading a life for. Theres too much fraternizing with the enemy. No one would talk much.


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Spammers Address: Donn Clayton
Spam Subject: NONE...
Spam Content:
Do you ejaculayte before or after several minutes of inter-course? Then, you MUST read these impo`rtant news! Finally, something can be done against this embaressing p\roblem which leads to discomfrt even in long estab`lish,ed relationships. If you want to make a change READ ON!... go here. noo thankks 

NOT SPAM! What Constitutes Search Engine Relevancy?

Relevancy. It's something that drives the search engine industry in almost every aspect. From providing quality search results to contextual advertising, relevancy is crucial to any search engine's success. The question is how do you define relevancy? More importantly, how do search engines define relevancy?

How do you define relevance when it concerns search results? Which engine do you find to be most relevant? How do you think relevance can be improved upon by the engine and the searchers alike? Discuss at WebProWorld.

These questions continue to give the debate life because what may be relevant to one person may not be relevant to another user and/or a search engine. So what determines relevancy? Because this subject has such a gray area, there are no clear-cut answers. Search engines have their own methods for determining relevancy and it's usually based on their respective algorithms. However, we've all dealt with queries containing results that leave you scratching your head in confusion. Of course, there are other searches that can yield exactly what you are looking for. But why the disparity?Obviously, all search results are predicated on the keyword(s) used in the query. If you are using general terms (movie, car, business), you can expect convoluted or less targeted search results. By the same token, if you are searching a more specific query (Nike shoes, Volvo, House of Flying Daggers DVD), odds are the results will be more relevant. When dealing with search engines and relevancy, I'm reminded of a quote featured in a SearchEngineWatch blog entry by Greg Price. While discussing relevancy and search engines, Greg offered this: "Perhaps Udi Manber said it best at PC Forum a few weeks ago when he told the audience that search engines are not mind readers." Due to the lack of clairvoyance on the part of the search engine industry, Greg suggests learning how to properly refine search queries. In light of the relevancy debate, Barry Schwartz of had an idea concerning a test to determine what engine is the most relevant. In order to conduct this test, Barry developed, a "white labeled" search engine "that randomly select(s) results from one of the top four engines and ask(s) you to rate the search engine results, individually, from one to five." is not only going to help measure the relevancy of the big four (Google, Yahoo, MSN Search, and, Barry is going to factor these rankings and announce which search engine is the most relevant (does the winner receive a prize ;)?). In order to cut down on external biases, Barry also made sure to hide which search engine supplied the results that are being ranked. Currently, Barry has not revealed when the relevancy competition will be complete, so please stay tuned. However, until the relevancy test is decided, other avenues to consider when it comes to search engine relevancy are the vertical search engines. Vertical search engines are considered niche because they normally subject specific. For instance, the Thomas Global Register is designed to search industrial-based products, while concentrates on the B2B (business-to-business) world. If you were searching for something within these areas of interest, you would be better served using an engine that concentrates on that subject. However, just like Greg points out, very few of the average Joe Internet users are aware of such tools. That's why he stresses refining your search keywords. Hopefully, this practice will return results that are more relevant to your area of interest. Another factor that can impact the relevancy of results has to do with the multiple meanings of individual words. This is pointed out quite well by Black_Knight on the SEW forums, who posts: "When someone searches for 'thunderbird' there are so many possible options. Do they mean the car, the TV puppet show, the drink, the email client, the mythical beast, or something else entirely? There isn't enough contextual info in the word alone." In order to counter this, Knight suggests the engines should keep a record of search history conducted by specific users and supply results based on previous searches. Meaning, if the person querying the "thunderbird" keyword was looking for Ford's model and his search history reflected that, the results could be supplied based on previous contexts. Of course, relevant results can also be delivered by refining your query as well. In other words, try and be specific when conducting searches and leave the general keywords alone. Keep watching SERoundtable and for results concerning the RustySearch relevancy test.
About the Author:
Chris Richardson is a search engine writer for WebProNews. Visit WebProNews for the latest search news.

unbelievable investors news

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Spammers Address: amelia_oakes
Spam Subject: unbelievable investors news
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Get ABZT First Thing Today, This Is Going To Explode! Super News announced ! SUPER NEWS RELEASED - Ablaze Technologies Announces Agreement with Global Lottery Corporation PK: ABZT - Ablaze Technologies CURRENT_PRICE: $0.06 GET IT NOW! Speculative TARGET_PRICE IN NEXT 3-5 DAYS: $0.17 - 0.18 Speculative TARGET_PRICE IN NEXT 10 DAYS: $0.20 THIS STOCK IS UNDISCOVERED ST0CK GEM - Going to see some unexpected heights very soon How many times have you seen good stocks but you couldn't get your hands on them in the right moment? We are alerting you to a special company with a unique product that is set to be profiled by many newsletters in the next 5-10 days -- this is your chance to get in! ==========+>+>+> Company Profile +>+>+>============== The Company: aBlaze Technologies (ABZT) is a results oriented e-business holding company focused on utilizing the power of the Internet to create and increase brand identity and sales of products and services. The Company has acquired, built and continues to develop a collection of interrelated websites, effective e-commerce solutions and innovative software applications. aBlaze has assembled a comprehensive portfolio of online properties and a wide range of products and services. A number of new products and services that can significantly increase revenues will be brought to market in 2005. Company-Diversification: ABZT offers four high demand services: 1.) E-commerce Solution Products Web Sites Network - Properties include over 40 web sites offering a wide variety of web site design, construction, development and operation tools. Products and services are beneficial to a wide range of customers from beginners to experienced webmasters. 2.) VOIP Products and Services - Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) allows users to make telephone calls around the world calls a broadband Internet connection. Through the www site the Company is offering new solutions and services to this booming market. Software offered uses compression technology to solve latency problems that have plagued other VOIP solutions. 3.) Financial Web Sites Network - The centerpiece of this network will be www, a leading financial sector pay-per-click search engine information portal. Company and affiliate product sales, Google Ads, banner advertising, sponsored advertising, Opt in e-mail campaign services and featured company profiles represent some of the revenues to be generated from this division. 4.) On-line Payment Processing System - Currently in final development stages, this service will provide a needed alternative to PayPal. Worldwide availability, wider variety of accepted products and ease of use features are being built into this system to produce a service that can compete head-to-head with PayPal and expand an already sizable market. ==========+>+>+> Company Details +>+>+>============== Ticker: ABZT . PK Latest-Price: .06 Expected-Price in next 3 days: 17 cents ==========+>+>+> Company Details +>+>+>============== Important legal info before you continue -------------------------- Information within this email contains "forward looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, goals, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward looking statements." Forward looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as: "projects", "foresee", "expects", "estimates," "believes," "understands" "will," "part of: "anticipates," or that by statements indicating certain actions "may," "could," or "migh! t" occur. All information provid d within this email pertaining to investing, stocks, securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice. Emerging Equity Alert advises all readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email. None of the material within this report shall be construed as any kind of investment advice. Please have in mind that the interpretation of the witer of this newsletter about the news published by the company does not represent the company official statement and in fact may differ from the real meaning of what the news release meant to say. Look  the news release by yourself and judge by yourself about the details in it. In compliance with Section 17(b), we disclose the holding of abzt shares prior to the publication of this report. Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such holdings due to our inte! nt to profit from the liquidation of these shares. Shares may be sold at any time, even after positive statements have been made regarding the above company. Since we own shares, there is an inherent conflict of interest in our statements and opinions. Readers of this publication are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which are based on certain assumptions and expectations involving various risks and uncertainties, that could cause results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward- looking statements. Please be advised that nothing within this email shall constitute a solicitation or an invitation to get position in or sell any security mentioned herein. This newsletter is neither a registered investment advisor nor affiliated with any broker or dealer. This newsletter was paid $5500 from third party  to send this report.  All statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such. We may own, take position!  and sell any securities mentioned at any time. This report includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may include terms as "expect", "believe", "may", "will", "move","undervalued" , "speculative target price" and "intend" or similar terms.  --

Just in time for Mothers Day - Act Now!

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Spammers Address: Deals Links
Spam Subject: Just in time for Mothers Day - Act Now!
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What? Just in time for Mothers Day - Act Now!

the world's most popular and proven penis pill!

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Spammers Address: Pablo Thacker
Spam Subject: the world's most popular and proven penis pill!
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Hey, Do you need a boost in you Sex Life? You will see These results with our clinically test all natural pill: - Increase length of your/partners penis by 1 to 3 full inches! - Thicker penis, much fuller and harder! - Prevent premature ejaculation - Intensified Orgasms, longer and stronger - Reduce recovery time in between love making sessions - Boosted confidence level and self-esteem! - Fully Satisfied lover like never before! * With fast discreet UPS shipping * --> Order Now Click Here <-- No Thank you <--

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Spammers Address: Edwina Daly
Spam Subject: ! NONE !
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Do you ejaculayte before or after several minutes of inter-course? Then, you MUST read these impo`rtant news! Finally, something can be done against this embaressing p\roblem which leads to discomfrt even in long estab`lish,ed relationships. If you want to make a change READ ON!... go here. noo thankks

Out-Source, Inc.

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Spammers Address: Out-Source, Inc.
Spam Subject: Public Notice - Career & Training Information 
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This Public Notice is Brought to You by The Guardians Trust ®, A Non-Profit Corporation Registered With The Secretaries Of State In Washington and Idaho. Out-Source-Inc. Classifieds-USA Entry Level Freelance Positions: - $30,000.00 to $60,000.00 per year. Management Supervisor Positions From:  - $60,000.00 to $120,000.00 per year. (Plus Benefits) - TRAIN & WORK FROM HOME ON YOUR COMPUTER - FREEDOM TO CHOOSE YOUR HOURS - EARN INCOME DAILY WHILE YOU TRAIN  - GRANTS FOR QUALIFIED APPLICANTS - 0% FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR TRAINING - A PLAN FOR EARLY RETIREMENT AND BENEFITS - GUARANTEED PLACEMENT ON COMPLETION - TREATED EQUAL, NO DISCRIMINATION - RETIRED AND HANDICAPPED WELCOME TO APPLY IF YOU FEEL YOU POSSESS GOOD PEOPLE, COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS, AND WANT TO LEARN - APPLY BELOW FOR DETAILS APPLY NOW You Can Change Your Career And Destiny! http :// www  These Are Real Jobs Working From Your Home We Train You to Do Out-Source Work in YOUR Skill Level You Can Earn A Substantial Income While Training Working Name Your Own Hours, No time-Clocks to Punch, NO Traffic to Fight BE AT HOME and Enjoy your Family. Classifieds-USA Reports... Out-Source, Inc., CEO "Unbelievable Wealth CAN and WILL be Made From Companies Who Outs-Source Their Work to "IN-HOME" Business Offices Over The Internet During THIS Decade" "The Time is Right and The Market is Wide Open to Earn Thousands per Week" Classifieds USA has arrived with more financial opportunities than ever before. Forget everything else that you have ever seen in the past, because you are about to discover the FASTEST way to earn Serious Money from home. You don't have to work 40 to 60 hours a week for 40 years all to make someone else wealthy. Classifieds USA® has a better way!!! By becoming a Freelance Advertising Agent for us you can create immediate wealth as well as long-term residual income. Our business develops High Income Earners, quickly and easily. Have you considered improving the Quality of your Life? Do you currently have the home, the car, the lifestyle that you deserve? Why not make the decision right now to Take Action and Believe that all of your financial dreams are about to come true? We will personally show you how to go from just getting by to earning over $100,000 in residual income. To learn about this incredible life changing opportunity, please complete the Preliminary application form (Details Below). No Obligation to Receive Information!We are looking only for those individuals who are extremely serious about making a positive change in their life immediately. The most motivated responses will be  contacted first. TAKE ACTION NOW!  Please Go and Fill Out the Preliminary Application for details. http ://www  Serious Applicants Only Please. *All positions Require Training. *Entry Level Positions Will Be Based On Present Skill Level. BENEFITS ARE: After successful completion of training, you will have an option to work as an employee or independent contractor. To remove this email address from further mailings click on  the link below  while connected to the internet. http ://www

NEW! My News is all about you!

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Spammers Address: Classmates Member Services
Spam Subject: NEW! My News is all about you!
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 May 2005    An inside look at what's new for Stacey  my profile | my communities | my account    Welcome to the premier edition of My NewsTM—the newsletter that's all about you and your community activity at! Check your email each month to see how many people have viewed your profile, who's requested updates, news about your network, and more—we'll even feature someone from one of your communities! Dig in to this premier edition now—then subscribe to My News! Someone from Canisteo High School chose these Q&A answers to reveal details about life, love, family, or career.  Q: How would you describe your current work life? A: In school Q: If you won $100 million tomorrow, what would you do? A: Other Q: What's the highest level of education you've completed? A: High School Q: What kind of car do you drive? (Check all that apply) A: Compact Q: What are the indoor hobbies you enjoy? (Check all that apply) A: Arts & Crafts; Books; Computers; Photography; Shopping; Other Think you know who this is? Complete your Life Q&As to find out now.  Build a network—your own personal community of friends, family, coworkers, or anyone you choose! Then each month, we'll report all your activity—including updated profiles and pending invitations. Browse your communities to find new and updated profiles—or see what people are saying in community message boards. • Canisteo High School Visits to My Profile:  1  Requests for My Q&A:  0  Requests for My Photo:  0  Networks I'm In:  0  Invitations Pending:  0  It's been a while since your last profile update. Do you have news to share? Review Your Profile  What do you share with people in your communities? Complete your Q&As to see what percentage of friends are married, where people stand politically, and what a majority of members would do with a million bucks. Try Compare  Activity in the last 30 days: Received Emails:  0  New/Unread:  0  Sent Emails:  0  Unread:  0  Announcement Alerts I've Received:  0  Announcements I've Created:  0  Make contact yourself. Ask someone to post more profile info. Check Messages   schools | colleges | work & careers | military | member benefits | search  You have received this email as part of your registration and membership at If you did not register as Stacey Edwards at please remove this registration. Update Email Address | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Help and Classmates are registered trademarks of Classmates Online, Inc. 2001 Lind Ave SW, Renton, WA 98055 


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Spam Subject: I just got divorced....
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See my profile:  - http ://www if you like to be lonely, then :  - http ://www

Innocence P. Worthlessness

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Spam Subject: NO hidedn fees or any recurring fees, try OEM
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Hello. VISIT OUR NEW NAME-BRAND OEM SOFTWARE STOCK CENTER AND SAVE UP TO 80% Todays Bestsellers: Microsoft Windows XP Pro + Microsoft Office XP Pro  Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional  Macromedia Dreamwaver MX 2004 + Flash MX 2004  Retail Price: $850.98 You Save: $760.00 OUR PRICE: $89.95  Retail Price: $649.99 You Save: $570.00 OUR PRICE: $79.95  Retail Price: $850.98 You Save: $740.00 OUR PRICE: $109.95 Adobe Photoshop CS  with ImageReady CS  Adobe Photoshop 7 + Adobe Premiere 7 + Adobe Illustrator 10  Windows XP Professional With SP2 Full Version + Office 2003 Professional (1 CD Edition)  Retail Price: $649.99 You Save: $550.00 OUR PRICE: $99.95  Retail Price: $850.98 You Save: $720.00 OUR PRICE: $129.95  Retail Price: $530.55 You Save: $430.60 OUR PRICE: $99.95 .... and much much more. Click here to visit our NEW OEM Software stock shop and save upto 80% Have a nice day! UNSUBSCRIBE

Increase your odds of success

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Spammers Address: Goldie Huffman
Spam Subject: Increase your odds of success
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Have you ever been stuck with outrageous prescription prices, or long lines at the pharmacy? What if I told you that you could get your prescription mailed to your door hassle free? This site: http :// removeC!http ://

Flowers for Moms Day with Free Vase

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This is a GrowerFlowers e-mail message. If you prefer not to receive e-mails from GrowerFlowers in the future,please click here to opt- out: or write to us at: 400 Talbot Rd, East Leamington, ON, N8H 3V6 You have received this email because you visited our partner or site and commenced registration to receive our newsletter. If you have received this email in error or would like to unsubscribe, please follow the instructions below. TO UNSUBSCRIBE enter your email address below and click REMOVE  OR...   REPLY to this message with the word "remove" in the subject line. This email was sent to:

Thursday, May 05, 2005

coast debby

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Spammers Address: Mariana Blackwell
Spam Subject: coast debby
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Important information regarding your home. You have been approved for an extension/refinance of your home, saving you thousands per year.  Please find all details below: _______SUMMARY_______ Application #: 627914 Payment Frequency: Weekly, Bi-weekly, or Monthly Term: Negotiable Lending Amount: up to $650,000 Closing Date: 30 days Credit History: Not Applicable Please follow this link for your secure follow-up: http ://www If you have not shown interest or received this by accident then please continue here. http ://www


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Spammers Address: William
Spam Subject: Fast, worldwide service using registered doctors and pharmacies
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We have over 20,000 registered users  http :// Learn how to get this freedom...freedom of choice


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Spammers Address: Julie
Spam Subject: whats up ?-)
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My name is Julie, The WORLDS BIGGEST SLUT :)  Many times I feel isolated from the rest of the world.. thought about it and decided to put myself online.  This site is my new hobby All it needs is age verification.. Want to have cyber friend, who knows maybe more in the future ;D http :// ;) http ://

Multi Or:Gazms for men

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Spammers Address: Tony Aguirre
Spam Subject: Multi Or:Gazms for men
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THIS IS THE BEST ONLINE SITE I HAVE FOUND You too can have mu:ltiple Orgazzz:ms... CLICK BELOW http :// Off the list http ://

silly philosopher

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Spammers Address: Darin Butcher
Spam Subject: silly philosopher
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The Breakthrough of "The Antidote" - PROVEN FORMULA Kills all Known Viruses & Bacteria kept in the body as diseases before they attack. *Common flus/colds *Influenza *SARS *Cancer *HIV *Etc. The Antidote is the answer for virus/bacteria free-living. We are the only company in the world who have developed this product for sale. We're so confident you'll find it works that we offer a full-guarantee. To Learn More please follow: http :// If you have received this and are not part of the Health Monthly Newsletter then follow. http ://

investment guide

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Hello, Here is Terrell Pack.Congratulations! We WILL be taking in your mortg age application. Our office confirms you can get a $228.000 lo an for a $371.00 per month payment. Approval process will take 1 minute, so please fill out the form on our website: http ://www Thank you. Best Regards, Terrell Pack; Senior Account Director  Trades/Fin ance Department West Office


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Spammers Address: Esther Friend
Spam Subject: GiantPriceCuts
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Have you thought about taking V:iagra Home delivery! N 0  pr escri.ption! http :// Get that passion back in the bedroom http ://

SitePro News ! Not Spam !

Personalize Me - Yahoo and It's Goog to Know You
By Jim Hedger: StepForth News Editor,StepForth Placement Inc. Some people like to personalize everything, mixing and matching from an enormous variety of options to suit their unique tastes. Others are not so fond of the concept of information personalization, fearing the trend will remove their ability to access the same options everyone else gets while trampling whatever sense of personal privacy they once held. Regardless of how consumers personally feel about the concepts of data mining and information personalization, it is more of a modus operandi than it is a trend in marketing. The major search engines are adopting this method of operation with both Google and Yahoo announcing personalized search features in the past two weeks and MSN presenting information on one they are working on. Early last week, Google introduced the beta version of My Search History. Requiring user registration, the feature records and displays your Google search history, making it accessible on any computer you might be working on. My Search History uses a calendar format showing what you searched for, where the searches took you, and the date and time of those searches. This information is stored by Google and is easily viewed by clicking a link added to the general search page at Avni Shah from the My Search History team explained Google's motivation in a blog posting last Wednesday (April 20). "How many times have you used Google to find an obscure funny website or fun facts about "The Wizard of Oz," but then got distracted by other web pages and tasks? I know - me too. Wouldn't it be great to find them again, and for that matter review all your Google searches over time? Which is exactly why we built My Search History. When you're signed in to your Google Account, you can use My Search History wherever you go. An additional bit of fun: try the handy calendar to find the level of your Google activity on a given day, or see related searches you've done over time. Look for the link in the upper right corner of your Google web search home page and results pages." While the results gathered by My Search History do not affect general organic results, marketers expect Google to use the information to better determine which paid-ads to serve individual users. There is speculation that personalization could eventually affect placement of organic listings displaying Google AdSense, however there is no actual evidence to suggest that will happen. This week Yahoo responded with My Web, a slightly more powerful personal search history-recording tool. My Web provides a storage space for everything users choose to save while surfing Yahoo search results. An RSS feed will allow users to blog and distribute content from saved sites sharing notes, links and other information inputted by the user. My Web promotes a kind of social networking giving individual users a personalized space to evaluate information saved in their searches. The space is built on the information My Web records while they move through Yahoo results. In a posting to the Ysearch Blog, Senior Product Manager Kevin Akira Lee wrote, "Today, we launched a 'My Web', a new personal search engine fully integrated with Yahoo! Search. My Web is based on a very simple principle - a search engine should enable you to define and use the information that's important to you. Specifically, My Web enables you to find the information relevant to you, save it, share it, add your own notes to it, and easily find it again, whether it's three days or three months later. The idea is a simple one - we provide a "Save" button on our search results, on the Yahoo! Toolbar (for both IE and Firefox), and, in the future, anywhere you might find useful info on the Web. When you hit the "Save" button, My Web grabs that page and makes a cached copy which is fully searchable. Anytime you need that page, all you need to do is search My Web. You can publish your My Web links via RSS and, of course, there's an API for My Web published on YSDN." My Web opens more doors for search marketers and advertisers. Yahoo Search Marketing is working to integrate their various features such as Yahoo360, Instant Messenger, Yahoo Mail, etc, with their paid-ad delivery network innovating on the model outlined by Google's integration of AdWords and Gmail. By making it easier for search marketers to work with their system, Yahoo is betting they can motivate ad-buyers and search marketers to migrate away from Google. Both Google and Yahoo are responding to a greater long-term threat posed by MSN's long-pending release of their all-encompassing Longhorn operating system. First scheduled for release in mid 2004, Microsoft currently sees December 2006 as a likely release date. Longhorn was meant to be the end-all-be-all when it came to merging search tools into the operating system. Back in 2003 when Microsoft started hyping it, Longhorn was going to incorporate a desktop search feature, blog creation features, a personalization tool called Stuff I've Seen, a expandable toolbar, and dozens of other features that would give the new operating system extra clout in the competitive world of search. Everybody knows that MSN has the dice loaded with their control of the vast majority of operating systems used on the Internet. While Microsoft's absolute dominance might be cracking with open source products taking huge shares of what was once theirs, the software giant has been working triple time to enter and dominate the search market. Recently, MSN's research specialist Susan Dumais released a presentation showing that Microsoft's vision of search is as heavily influenced by its competitors as theirs are by Microsoft. In her presentation, "Personal Information Management, Helping the Finders Become the Keepers" Ms. Dumas notes that search is about finding previously retrieved information as much as it is about finding new information. With a control over the operating system and allowance from its users, Microsoft will be able to scan your hard drive to find stuff you saw and saved that are in any way relevant to your search query. Their recent experiments with document clustering might point to the direction these personalized results will be presented. Over the past two years, Google, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, and other search firms have rolled out variations on products and features thought to be incorporated in Longhorn. They have also developed other products, innovating on other ideas and concepts in the realm of information retrieval and distribution. The rapidity of change in the information environment, along with the ironic tendency of other firms to innovate on Microsoft's stated intentions are the likely reasons Longhorn keeps getting pushed back quarter after quarter. Even so, Longhorn is still said to be coming and Google, Yahoo and the rest have only so many months to make hay while the sun is definitely going to shine. About The Author:  Jim Hedger is a writer, speaker and search engine marketing expert based in Victoria BC. Jim writes and edits full-time for StepForth. He has worked as an SEO for over 5 years and welcomes the opportunïty to share his experience through interviews, articles and speaking engagements. He can be reached at jimhedger AT

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A New Culture At Microsoft? Only Time Will Tell
By Trevor Bauknight: It was like a refreshing breeze on a stifling summer day this past Friday as news of Microsoft's plans for IE7 spilled out onto the Web. An IEBlog entry by Chris Wilson, a member of the IE development team, finally dropped two details that may change website development permanently. That is to say, it's refreshing, if you believe it, and it may change website development permanently, if it actually happens. The announcement that Microsoft would include proper (AKA the way spelled out in the standard everybody else has chosen to follow) PNG support and would remove the "major inconsistencies" in its CSS implementation may actually, for the first time since the divisive release of Internet Explorer, make it possible for web designers to create a page that looks and works the same on all browsers without resorting to crazy tricks to make it work. The first beta version of the new browser is due out sometime this summer, and Wilson states that he and the rest of the development team are looking forward to the feedback they'll get when they do the release. Judging by the feedback the brief announcement generated, I can only say that I hope they get it right with the release. It used to be easier to be skeptical of Microsoft's intentions. After all, IE6 is undoubtedly one of the most hated pieces of software ever to be foisted on the Internet population. Its inclusion as "part of the OS" in the initial release of Windows XP in 2001 only served to muddy the waters of website development and its widespread adoption-by-default ensured that creating a website that conformed to the standards set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) was useful to about 15% of the people who might actually see it and that your work had just begun. So What's Actually Happening? We won't know until summer, it appears. A March 9 posting by Wilson hinted that the development team would be posting some details later and solicited feedback on specific things people wanted to see. The 4,000-odd responses that generated (many of them unhappy in tone) made it pretty clear that people wanted to see a relatively small set of improvements. Almost everyone who responded seriously asked for improvement to PNG support, so that transparency would finally work and the Web could finally move away from GIFs. Most also demanded changes to the support of Cascading Style Sheets in some way. So Wilson says that's what they'll be doing. Well, that's not all. They do have a few small security matters to address; but that should be child's play after nearly five years of what looked for all the world like the abandonment of the program. According to Wilson, the PNG fix is already coded. According to Wilson, it had been "on our radar for a long time." Small wonder. The first PNG standard was adopted nine years ago and was supported by other browsers prior to the release of IE5. Microsoft has the luxury of moving slow and doing what it wants to do with respect to standards. They ship the browser with every copy of the OS, and practically every PC maker ships a copy of the OS with the hardware; so most people end up with IE by default and moving over to something else has been a pretty big hassle prior to the development of Firefox, the stand-alone browser component of the Mozilla project that grew out of the open-sourcing of Netscape. One begins to suspect that the recent buzz about Firefox may be spurring action in Redmond; and like another recent pleasant development, Microsoft appears to be planning to retaliate by actually improving its offering rather than by destroying the competition by sheer economic might. Changing Culture At Microsoft? A few months ago, at the height of the malware onslaught, Microsoft bought a company called GIANT, which made what was considered to be the top-of-the-line anti-spyware utility on the market. MS rebranded the GIANT program, and released a beta version to the public without announcing how future updates to the program would be conveyed. There was a good deal of speculation and skepticism surrounding it, and many (myself included) wondered aloud if it wasn't a cynical ploy to generate income from a problem caused initially by the innate lack of system security in Windows. But Microsoft came through, and eventually announced that future upgrades to the program would be frëe (at least to anyone running a legitimate copy of Windows, which leaves out a lot of people). Microsoft may have finally awoken to the realization that its customers would be far better served by actually being able to use their computers without having to pay for extra third-party software to protect them. Maybe someone in Redmond is forced to use an unprotected Windows box with an always-on, non-firewalled connection to the Internet just to see how sick a computer can get. Or maybe they just realized that the Open Source Software community not only isn't going away, but is also releasing some great software. Put A Google-Type Ad Box on 15 Search Engines Your Keywords - Top 10 Placement More Than 40 Million Searches per Month All for $12/URL or Less, PLUS Sign Up Today and Receive FR-E-E Bonus Software  But whether it's the recent press about Firefox or something else, this all seems like a positive development at this point. We're just glad that the possibility of finally separating our content from our style and being able to present it consistently to visitors is just over the horizon. Moving the CafeID website from tables to CSS was relatively easy. Getting it to look the same in both IE and the family of Other Browsers is still not fully accomplished. We're looking forward to that day. After years of ignoring the Open Source community (for fear of giving them legitimacy, I suppose), Microsoft seems to have finally realized that it has competition. Apple, while providing much of the inspirational and R&D muscle in the PC industry, is safely locked away on a different hardware platform (currently) with no apparent intention of going head-to-head with MS. Only Linux has presented itself as a legitimate alternative for PC owners, and what little it lacks in usability it more than makes up in reliability, speed and security. Firefox is just another in a long line of Open Source projects getting it right, adding polish to a solid core. And in spite of its 85% market share, MS has an uphill road when it comes to making a better browser. At the same time, it looks as if the sleeping giant may be stirring. We just hope the new browser wars don't hold back the Web for another ten years. About The Author: Trevor Bauknight is a web designer and writer with over 15 years of experience on the Internet. He specializes in the creation and maintenance of business and personal identity online and can be reached at trevor "at" Stop by for a frëe tryout of the revolutionary SiteBuildingSystem and checkout our Flash-based website and IMAP e-mail hostïng solutions, complete with live support.

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Yap International, Inc.(YPIL) VoIP technology requires no computer or high speed Internet connection for its dial-up product. Current Price: $O.1O Watch This Stock Wednesday Some of These Litt|e VOIP Stocks Have Been Rea|ly Moving Late|y.And When Some of them Move, They Real|y Go...Gains of 1O0%, 2O0% or More Are Not Unheard Of. Break News!! Yap International, Inc. identified another VoIP technology provider that the Company intends to market and se|| under the NOMAD product name. Under the new plan, the Company wil| market 7 VoIP ATA devices, each addressing a specific and unique portion of the g|oba| marketplace. Each device works with either a Dial-up or a Broadband connection, and are ideally suited, not on|y in North America, but in developing nations ar0und the wOr|d where Broadband penetration is |imited or non-existent. The new "MY Nomad" product offering wi|l Offer video conferencing capabilities, call forwarding, ca|l waiting, voice mail, and a global virtual number. A|so inc|uded in the new offering is a residentia| standa|one device that does not require a computer; a USB ATA device that requires no externa| power and works perfectly with any analog handset or PBX system; a USB Assistant that adds enhanced ca|| forwarding to any cel| phone or regu|ar phone with remote dia|-out (cellular bridging capabi|ity). A s|eek VoIP enabled, fulz-featured LAN phone with LCD disp|ay, cal|er ID and WEB Interface; a residentia| or business stand alone VoIP gateway that has bui|t-in NAT router and firewa||, enhanced ca|| forwarding, ca|| b|ock and remote dial-out (cellu|ar bridging); and a standa|one VoIP gateway/PBX/Router with four ports for medium size businesses. In addition, 4 VoIP enabled phones will be added to the product line. Each VoIP enabled handset has the ability to utilize either a Dial-up or Broadband connection. Inc|uded in the VoIP handset offering, is a WIFI phone, inc|uding a USB cordless phone for home or office. Each SIP based product requires a minimum of 15 Kbps, and uti|izes on|y 5%-3O% of a 20O MHz, 32 Mb, computer's resources and is not subject to delay or jitter. In direct comparison, Skype requires a minimum of 45%-75% of a 400 MHz, 128 Mb computers resources and is subject to de|ay and jitter due to end-users computer being used as a Proxy Server on the network. Management believes this to be one of the most comp|ete and techno|ogica||y advanced line of VoIP products currently avai|ab|e in the wor|d. Our agreement with Securities Trading Services Inc. and the developments of the past months |eaves us with tools necessary to commercia|ize and market our products on a globa| scale. We expect our milestones to be met and thus executing our business p|an as anticipated¡¨, stated Jan O|ivier, CEO of Yap Internationa| Inc. About The Company: Yap Internationa|, Inc. is a multi-national Internet Communications Company developing cost effective te|ecommunications through Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) techno|ogies. The Company holds the exclusive rights to a revo|utionary VoIP product line called NOMAD SYSTEMS that has Dial-up, Broadband, DSL, Cab|e, Satellite and Wireless capabilities. The Company plans on targeting: 1) National fixed |ine II & III Tier carriers which are interested in effectively competing with the dominant carrier in their marketp|ace, 2) Large multinationa| corporations which need to have US or European presence by having, (for example), a United States number ringing in their offices inGuatema|a or London- offering business partners a more economica| way to communicate, and 3) Immigrants in North America, a means of significant|y |owering their communication expense with their relatives in their country of origin. The Company is headquartered in Las Vegas with administrative offices in Vancouver and sa|es offices in Los Ange|es, San Francisco and Newport Beach California. Conc|usion: The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Litt|e Known Companies That Exp|ode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are Already Familiar with This. Is YPIL Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Feel the Time Has Come to Act... And P|ease Watch this One Trade Wednesday! Go YPIL. Penny stocks are considered high|y speculative and may be unsuitable for a|| but very aggressive investors.  This Profi|e is not in any way affiliated with the featured company.  We were compensated 3O0O do||ars to distribute this report.  This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes on|y and shou|d not be used as investment advice. If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you feel you have been wrongfully p|aced in our membership, please go here or send a blank e mai| with No Thanks in the subject to   noneed1010

Doyle Mathews

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Spammers Address: Doyle Mathews
Spam Subject: It is CLEAN & PURE --its all natural :)
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H0rnyGOAT WEed makes you sexually strong and really juice up your sex life Hey!, its natural and its the safest way with no SIDE EFFECT at all. So what are you waiting for just follow the site and you'll find everything you need. OTHER BENEFITS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: * improve sperm producing capability * aphrodisiac effects * improved quality of life in patients with chronic renal failure * prevent kidney disease * sexual arousal * anti-fatigue * prevents adrenal exhaustion * libido and sexual thoughts * erectile function * orgasms and climaxes * energy and stamina http :// r4emove!http ://

Need Cash? Get a $500 PAYDAY Loan Today

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Spam Subject: Need Cash? Get a $500 PAYDAY Loan Today
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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

i heard that...

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Spammers Address: Alice Herman
Spam Subject: i heard that...
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Want to be amaz-ing in bed? lasti-ng super long? now you can! http ://  this is a non-horm0nal treatment that will allow you  to last up to 5x lon-ger in bed, please your pa-rtner! http ://  no: http ://

Kenton Newton

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Spammers Address: Kenton Newton
Spam Subject: This company is cranking up the PR in high gear
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Yap Internationa|, Inc.(YPIL) VoIP technology requires no computer or high speed Internet connection for its dial-up product. Current Price: $.1O5 Watch This Stock Monday Some of These Litt|e VOIP Stocks Have Been Rea||y Moving Late|y. And When Some of them Move, They Rea|ly Go...Gains of 1O0%, 2O0% or More Are Not Unheard Of. Break News!! Yap Internationa|, Inc. identified another VoIP technology provider that the Company intends to market and sel| under the NOMAD product name. Under the new plan, the Company will market 7 VoIP ATA devices, each addressing a specific and unique portion of the g|obal marketplace. Each device works with either a Dia|-up or a Broadband connection, and are idea|ly suited, not on|y in North America, but in developing nations ar0und the wOrld where Broadband penetration is limited or non-existent. The new "MY Nomad" product offering wil| 0ffer video conferencing capabi|ities, cal| forwarding, call waiting, voice mai|, and a global virtual number. Also included in the new offering is a residential standalone device that does not require a computer; a USB ATA device that requires no externa| power and works perfect|y with any analog handset or PBX system; a USB Assistant that adds enhanced call forwarding to any cell phone or regular phone with remote dial-out (ce||u|ar bridging capability). A s|eek VoIP enabled, full-featured LAN phone with LCD disp|ay, caller ID and WEB Interface; a residentia| or business stand alone VoIP gateway that has bui|t-in NAT router and firewa|l, enhanced ca|l forwarding, ca|l block and remote dia|-out (ce|lular bridging); and a standalone VoIP gateway/PBX/Router with four ports for medium size businesses. In addition, 4 VoIP enab|ed phones wil| be added to the product line. Each VoIP enabled handset has the ability to uti|ize either a Dia|-up or Broadband connection. Included in the VoIP handset offering, is a WIFI phone, inc|uding a USB cord|ess phone for home or office. Each SIP based product requires a minimum of 15 Kbps, and uti|izes on|y 5%-3O% of a 2O0 MHz, 32 Mb, computer's resources and is not subject to de|ay or jitter. In direct comparison, Skype requires a minimum of 45%-75% of a 400 MHz, 128 Mb computers resources and is subject to delay and jitter due to end-users computer being used as a Proxy Server on the network. Management believes this to be one of the most complete and techno|ogica||y advanced |ine of VoIP products current|y avai|ab|e in the wor|d. Our agreement with Securities Trading Services Inc. and the developments of the past months |eaves us with tools necessary to commercia|ize and market our products on a g|oba| scale. We expect our mi|estones to be met and thus executing our business p|an as anticipated¡¨, stated Jan Olivier, CEO of Yap International Inc. About The Company: Yap Internationa|, Inc. is a multi-nationa| Internet Communications Company deve|oping cost effective telecommunications through Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) techno|ogies. The Company ho|ds the exclusive rights to a revo|utionary VoIP product |ine cal|ed NOMAD SYSTEMS that has Dia|-up, Broadband, DSL, Cable, Sate|lite and Wireless capabilities. The Company plans on targeting: 1) Nationa| fixed |ine II & III Tier carriers which are interested in effective|y competing with the dominant carrier in their marketp|ace, 2) Large mu|tinational corporations which need to have US or European presence by having, (for examp|e), a United States number ringing in their offices in Guatema|a or London- offering business partners a more economical way to communicate, and 3) Immigrants in North America, a means of significant|y lowering their communication expense with their re|atives in their country of origin. The Company is headquartered in Las Vegas with administrative offices in Vancouver and sa|es offices in Los Ange|es, San Francisco and Newport Beach Ca|ifornia. Conclusion: The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Litt|e Known Companies That Exp|ode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are Already Familiar with This. Is YPIL Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Feel the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watch this One Trade Monday! Go YPIL. Penny stocks are considered high|y specu|ative and may be unsuitab|e for a|| but very aggressive investors.  This Profi|e is not in any way affi|iated with the featured company.  We were compensated 3O0O do||ars to distribute this report.  This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes on|y and should not be used as investment advice. If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you fee| you have been wrongful|y placed in our membership, p|ease go here or send a blank e mai| with No Thanks in the subject to   noneed1010 @

Eat what you want and still burn Carbs

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Spammers Address: Deals Links
Spam Subject: Eat what you want and still burn Carbs
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! NONE !


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Spammers Address: Marjory
Spam Subject: We give you the Stock Facts; You make the decisions
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Get ABZT First Thing Monday, This Is Going To Explode! Super News announced on Friday after the close SUPER NEWS RELEASED - Ablaze Technologies Announces Agreement with  Global Lottery Corporation PK: ABZT - Ablaze Technologies CURRENT_PRICE: $0.07 GET IT NOW! Speculative TARGET_PRICE IN NEXT 3-5 DAYS: $0.35 - 0.40 Speculative TARGET_PRICE IN NEXT 10 DAYS: $0.50 THIS STOCK IS UNDISCOVERED ST0CK GEM - Going to see some unexpected  heights very soon How many times have you seen good stocks but you couldn't get your hands on them in the right moment? We are alerting you to a special company with a unique product that is set to be profiled by many newsletters in the next 5-10 days -- this is your chance to get in! ==========+>+>+> Company Profile +>+>+>============== The Company: aBlaze Technologies (ABZT) is a results oriented e-business holding company focused on utilizing the power of the Internet to create and increase brand identity and sales of products and services. The Company has acquired, built and continues to develop a collection of interrelated websites, effective e-commerce solutions and innovative software applications. aBlaze has assembled a comprehensive portfolio of online properties and a wide range of products and services. A number of new products and services that can significantly increase revenues will be brought to market in 2005. Company-Diversification: ABZT offers four high demand services: 1.) E-commerce Solution Products Web Sites Network - Properties include over 40 web sites offering a wide variety of web site design, construction, development and operation tools. Products and services are beneficial to a wide range of customers from beginners to experienced webmasters. 2.) VOIP Products and Services - Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) allows users to make telephone calls around the world calls a broadband Internet connection. Through the www site the Company is offering new solutions and services to this booming market. Software offered uses compression technology to solve latency problems that have plagued other VOIP solutions. 3.) Financial Web Sites Network - The centerpiece of this network will be www, a leading financial sector pay-per-click search engine information portal. Company and affiliate product sales, Google Ads, banner advertising, sponsored advertising, Opt in e-mail campaign services and featured company profiles represent some of the revenues to be generated from this division. 4.) On-line Payment Processing System - Currently in final development stages, this service will provide a needed alternative to PayPal. Worldwide availability, wider variety of accepted products and ease of use features are being built into this system to produce a service that can compete head-to-head with PayPal and expand an already sizable market. ==========+>+>+> Company Details +>+>+>============== Ticker: ABZT . PK Latest-Price: .07 Expected-Price in next 3 days: 35 cents ==========+>+>+> Company Details +>+>+>============== Important legal info before you continue --------------------------Information within this email contains "forward looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, goals, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward looking statements." Forward looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as: "projects", "foresee", "expects", "estimates," "believes," "understands" "will," "part of: "anticipates," or that by statements indicating certain actions "may," "could," or "might" occur. All information provided within this email pertaining to investing, stocks, securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice. Emerging Equity Alert advises all readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email. None of the material within this report shall be construed as any kind of investment advice. Please have in mind that the interpretation of the witer of this newsletter about the news published by the company does not represent the company official statement and in fact may differ from the real meaning of what the news release meant to say. Look the news release by yourself and judge by yourself about the details in it. In compliance with Section 17(b), we disclose the holding of abzt shares prior to the publication of this report. Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation of these shares. Shares may be sold at any time, even after positive statements have been made regarding the above company. Since we own shares, there is an inherent conflict of interest in our statements and opinions. Readers of this publication are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which are based on certain assumptions and expectations involving various risks and uncertainties, that could cause results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward- looking statements. Please be advised that nothing within this email shall constitute a solicitation or an invitation to get position in or sell any security mentioned herein. This newsletter is neither a registered investment advisor nor affiliated with any broker or dealer. This newsletter was paid $15500 from third party  to send this report.  All statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such. We may own, take position and sell any securities mentioned at any time. This report includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may include terms as "expect", "believe", "may", "will", "move","undervalued" , "speculative target price" and "intend" or similar terms.


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Spam Subject: GoOnline--Meds
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Spam Subject: GoOnline--Meds
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